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Thu Dec 1st - Sat Dec 31st

WorldEmber 2022

10,000 words, 31 Days, $1000+ in Prizes!
Number of Entries 49068
Number of Competitors 8978

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!


Click here to get your WorldEmber Winner's Certificate and show off your amazing work! Get ready for THE ULTIMATE WORLDBUILDING CHALLENGE!
Finish 2022 with an achievement! Start 2023 with a bang!

We challenge you to write 10,000 words of new worldbuilding content this December! Check out the prizes and rules below!
All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!

Read The Rules View Leaderboard

WorldEmber 2022 is proudly sponsored by:

Prize Categories

It's super simple! Complete 10,000 words of fresh worldbuilding during December and you're a WorldEmber Winner! You'll be entered into the prize winners' raffle. There are bonus challenges to win some extra shiny badges on your World Anvil profile, and some awards give bonus prizes! Check below to see what you could win!


Over WorldEmber we'll raffle over $5000 USD of prizes, including some amazing goodies from our Sponsors! All WorldEmber participants who achieve a word count of 10,000 words or more will be automatically entered into the WorldEmber Prize Winners' raffle, for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

Wordcount Badges

Going the extra mile with your wordcount? There are extra badges if you do!

Award of Eloquence : write 10,000 words! Achieve this, and you've won WorldEmber!
The Award of Verbosity : write 25,000 words—a small novel’s worth!
The Award of Loquacity : write 50,000 words—just like NaNoWriMo, but for worldbuilding!
Please note that higher wordcounts will be vigorously checked for copypasting, plagiarism, and rule breaking.
Don't risk disqualification over a badge!

Badges With Prizes

The following achievements get a bonus prize AND a rare badge!

Community’s Favourite Article : chosen by a community vote based on the top most liked 10 articles with a unique author*
Community’s Favourite Body of Work : chosen by a community vote based on the top 10 authors with the most likes*
Most Words : chosen based on the most WorldEmber-eligible words written
Human of the Match : for a good spirit who has ranked high in many categories and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. Given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

* At the end of WorldEmber, there will be a community poll to vote for these. They will be drawn from the most liked articles. Only the most liked article per author will go forward, so don't despair if one person in particular is dominating the leaderboards!

Special Categories

Special categories are an opportunity to win an exclusive badge! To be eligible, submit an article that is at least 300 words long using the button on the right side of the editing page for that article. You can submit articles to as many different special categories as you like (there's one for each article template), but you can only submit a single article per category!
You can see all special categories at the bottom of this page!

WorldEmber ends in...


The goal of WorldEmber is to achieve 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content on World Anvil during the month of December. The platform will automatically track the words you write.

Words which count towards WorldEmber are:
  • Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total wordcount
  • Words written in articles that are PUBLIC (i.e. not private) and PUBLISHED (i.e. not drafts)!
  • Articles will only add to your wordcount if they have over 50 words.

  • Special Provision: Stubs created before WorldEmber
    If you have a stub (article under 50 words) created before the beginning of December and want to expand it for WorldEmber, follow these instructions carefully:
    1. Open the article that has a wordcount of under 50 words.
    2. Click on Avanced Tools & Options on the right hand side.
    3. Click the SPECIAL ACTIONS tab on the right hand side.
    4. Click the Reset Date button. This process will update the creation date of the article to the current date.

When does it run?

WorldEmber happens throughout December:
  • UK Time/Anvil Time (look at the footer of the website to know what time is it)
    • START: 19:00 on December 1st
      END: 19:00 on December 31st
  • Eastern Time
    • START: 13:00 on December 1st
      END: 13:00 on December 31st


If you are eligible for a prize — be it community favorite, prize draw winner, special category or most words — your work will be checked for cheating.

The following acts count as cheating:

  • Like boosting via secondary “alt” accounts.
  • Word count boosting (for example, using Lorem Ipsum / placeholder text or copy & pasting other author’s work or reference material).
  • Plagiarism.
  • Creating non-worldbuilding content with the intention of winning a particular badge, prize, or special category. This includes blog posts as articles, dev/project updates, and other meta posts. WorldEmber is about worldbuilding!
  • For Special Categories in particular, all artwork used MUST BE CREDITED. Art theft isn't cool, and using it to win prizes could get you disqualified.
Whilst we recognize the need to share your work in order to accrue community likes, excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action. For tips to share your work without being excessive, check our this blog post!

Sharing your work

Since many of the prize categories of WorldEmber involve community likes, it’s a good idea to share your work on social media, with your friends and family, and with the wider worldbuilding community.

Mention World Anvil (@WorldAnvil) and use the hashtag #WorldEmber on social media, and the official World Anvil social media accounts may share your work for more exposure!

You can also stream your World Anvil worldbuilding sessions over WorldEmber! To get access to the official community streaming pack, download it from our streaming page here!.


How do I enter?
    Make your free account on World Anvil, create a world, and get writing! The website will automatically track your word count progress.

The leaderboard is delayed with wordcount/likes, why is this?
    The leaderboard information refreshes periodically to prevent it from creating lag on the website. Check back in an hour or so and it will have updated! In the meantime, why don't you grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD?!

Can I copy in my old work or stuff I did in NaNoWriMo?
    Verbatim copying of previously done work (even your own!) is not in the spirit of the competition, but expanding on previous work — for example, creating a book bible extrapolated from the first draft of a novel — is just fine.

Do I have to pick a single world to work on for my wordcount?
    Nope! Wordcount is per author, so you can write across as many worlds as you like!

What about co-authors?
    Multiple co-authors can write in a single world; their word counts are accumulated based on individual user, not the world they write in.

When will the winners be announced?
    The winners will be announced at the WorldEmber 2022 Awards Ceremony stream, a special live-streamed Awards Ceremony on our Twitch ( on January 28th. If you can't tune in live, we'll release a post in our blog with the winners, as well as in our social channels (@WorldAnvil everywhere!). Stay tuned on our social media for updates!

When will the badges be given out?
    Once the Awards Ceremony has taken place and all the winners have been announced, we will start the process of giving out the badges. World Anvil has around 2,000,000 users, though, so this might take a minute! Please be patient!

Why do my articles have to be public?
    Articles need to be public in order for the word count to be updated, and also for our team to be able to check for any cheating.

Can I make my articles private, or delete or edit things after the event?
    After the Awards Ceremony, yes! If you make your articles private or delete them before the ceremony has taken place, you may forfeit your digital badge or your prize, as our team will be unable to check your work for cheating.
    Edit: This restriction applies to articles submitted to a special category only. You're free to edit your articles if they are not submitted to a special category.

How do I enter an article for a Special Category?
    To take part, simply write an article using the specified template. The judge of that category will choose the winner at their own discretion, by their own means. We recommend to keep special category articles below 5,000 words!

Worldember Special Categories

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!


Organization special category

Sponsored by Norse Foundry.   Prize: $50 USD Norse Foundry gift card

Building special category

Sponsored by DungeonFog.   Prize: 12 months of DungeonFog Premium

Species special category

Sponsored by Kobold Press
  Prize: DnD 5e supplement bundle from Kobold Press

Title special category

Sponsored by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia
  Prize: 1 year Grandmaster Gift Subscription to WA or gift card for $96 (equivalent)

Document special category

Sponsored by Deleyna Marr   Prize: $100 gift certificate to Lawson Writers' Academy

Settlement special category

Sponsored by Sapha Burnell   Prize: The full digital collection of Vraeyda Literary's current catalogue (90$ Value): Girl of Light by Elana Gomel, Vostok by Łukasz Drobnik, My Heart is The Tempest by Sacha Rosel, Aegis by RL Arenz III, The Saga of Adis Raudfeldr by Siobhan Clark, The Drake Equation by Dr. Brad Hoge, Warning Light Calling by Peter Graarup Westergaard, Neon Lieben, Char & Ash, Son of Abel, Usurper Kings by Sapha Burnell

Technology special category

Sponsored by Paul Fijma   Prize: animated tarot box set

Language special category

Sponsored by cedes   Prize: personalized cup or tumblr with something written on it in the winning language!

Prose special category

Sponsored by Kwyn Marie   Prize: World Anvil Grandmaster membership

Condition special category

Sponsored by Polina "Line" Arteev   Prize: Custom illustration inspired by the winning article (OR: $110USD commission credit)

Material special category

Sponsored by   Prize: A full-color illustration of the winning article's subject.

Conflict special category

Sponsored by Andrew Belenkiy aka Teyvill Dost   Prize: Foundry VTT license

Geography special category

Sponsored by Michael Chandra   Prize: $50 for winner's choice of the World Anvil Shop, DogMight, HeroForge, Modiphius, DriveThruRPG, FrogGodGames, or TheSpeechlessBard. (And two runner-ups at $25 worth.)

Ethnicity special category

Sponsored by KajetanWrites   Prize: A short story commission for the winner's World Anvil world

Vehicle special category

Sponsored by Joshua   Prize: Custom Monogram Wax Seal

Tradition special category

Sponsored by Chris L   Prize: $50 Norse Foundry Gift Card

Item special category

Sponsored by Dwarfinator1   Prize: A Steam key for Sid Meier's Civilization VI

(super)natural law special category

Sponsored by Xuroth   Prize: 12-month Grandmaster membership

Profession special category

Sponsored by Jaime Buckley   Prize: A custom color drawing for their world—of a character working a profession ($300)— and a Boundless Worldbuilding Journal

Myth/legend special categories

Sponsored by Buzzard   Prize: $50 Gift Certificate usable at DriveThruRPG, DriveThruComics, DMs Guild, or Wargame Vault

Military unit special category

Sponsored by Dragon   Prize: A mystery worldbuilding/writing book box

Character special category

Sponsored by Elfangor87 from Dice Hoarders   Prize: Dice Hoarders Character Bundle

Spell special category

Sponsored by Denver White   Prize: Any course from or a $30 gift card of their choosing.

Plot special category

Sponsored by Tillerz   Prize: 3x $50 for one of: World Anvil Shop, DogMight, HeroForge, Modiphius, DriveThruRPG, FrogGodGames, or The Speechless Bard

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!



Authors by Words
(WE Winners+ only)

Top Authors by Total Likes

Top Entries By Likes

Top Authors by number of Entries


  • 1 38 Symbiosis by nnie
  • 2 26 Blue-Tongue Madness by tjtrewin
  • 3 20 Mindblot by Hanhula
  • 4 19 Wizard Madness by Qurilion
  • 5 19 Blue Syndrome by AmélieIS
  • 6 18 Rotten Spots by Catoblepon
  • 7 15 Fateless by Qurilion
  • 8 12 Red Hair by eccbooks
  • 9 12 The Huntmarshall's Curse by Tonarus
  • 10 11 Forest covering by Catoblepon
  • 11 11 Mana excess by Catoblepon
  • 12 10 Gangrene by PanthersEye
  • 13 10 Arcenleculitis by Mochimanoban
  • 14 10 Perception Drain by Catoblepon
  • 15 10 Sig'sith by Catoblepon
  • 16 9 Vampiric Pheromones by KajetanWrites
  • 17 9 Sun hidden by Catoblepon
  • 18 9 Tingling blue by Catoblepon
  • 19 9 Frozen Bite by Callyxtus
  • 20 9 Caroline's Catalog of Curious Conditions: The Cobalt Cordyceps or the Azure Pox by drunkenpanda951
  • 21 9 Catoblepon's Curse by Mochimanoban
  • 22 7 Caroline's Catalog of Curious Conditions: Sneezeberry Addiction by drunkenpanda951
  • 23 7 Meissner Warping Syndrome by Barron
  • 24 6 Ninessoleli by Ynarkael
  • 25 6 Sneezing Death by CrazyEddie
  • 26 6 Funkensymbiose auf Layida by Blue Fairy 74
  • 27 6 Caroline's Catalog of Curious Conditions: The Lethal Lichen by drunkenpanda951
  • 28 6 Caroline's Catalog of Curious Conditions: Nymph's Curse by drunkenpanda951
  • 29 5 Teleporter's Sense by LittleRaider
  • 30 5 Magic Drain by SableAradia
  • Important Document

  • 1 13 On Dragons: A Book by Torhal Ardonatto by Dragonquillca
  • 2 12 "How to survive first days in the Dark Halls, part 1" by Revyera
  • 3 11 The Family Tree of Frieda Jacobs by eccbooks
  • 4 10 The Logbooks by Kros!
  • 5 10 La Voix de Nélannie—Newspaper editorial on the teaching of military arts at university by AmélieIS
  • 6 9 Framed Document by JamesWoodwright
  • 7 5 A Brief Introduction to Witchcraft by AP.
  • 8 5 Wartime decree #1 by cow2face
  • Ethnicity

  • 1 14 Kin by MHBiscup
  • 2 13 Eler by Kefkejaco
  • 3 11 IdPari by Ademal
  • 4 11 Forged of Theydim by Lyraine Alei
  • 5 10 Desert elf by Callyxtus
  • 6 5 Kyenashi by ninne124
  • Formation

  • 1 23 Ravenknights by Tonarus
  • 2 19 The Crows Milita by Tonarus
  • 3 19 Dragonriders by Tonarus
  • 4 18 Saraksgarde by Tonarus
  • 5 18 The Drakkengarde by Tonarus
  • 6 17 Stormriders by Tonarus
  • 7 17 Rabensturm Milita by Tonarus
  • 8 15 Eldritch Army by kitoypoy
  • 9 14 The Emperor's Fist - Lagash's Legions by Qurilion
  • 10 10 Elvish-Oronai hoplites by Callyxtus
  • 11 10 Tridenser Host by kitoypoy
  • 12 9 Legions of Light by kitoypoy
  • 13 7 War Hounds by Jester%
  • Item

  • 1 28 Butcher of Being by Qurilion
  • 2 28 Kindly Eggs by Qurilion
  • 3 27 Stormtech Weapons by Tonarus
  • 4 21 Crying Bulb Soup by Naelin
  • 5 17 Scepter of Imperial Authority by Qurilion
  • 6 17 Tea Ball by Mochimanoban
  • 7 16 Dawnfruit Congee by nnie
  • 8 16 The Truthteller's Timepiece by Hanhula
  • 9 15 Gunblade by Tonarus
  • 10 15 Eyebite Arrows by Qurilion
  • 11 14 Broomhandle Sweeper by Tonarus
  • 12 14 Weeping Willow by Qurilion
  • 13 14 Quadbarreled Shotgun by Tonarus
  • 14 13 Spellybeans by Bonus Action
  • 15 12 Waffles by drunkenpanda951
  • 16 12 Spicenuts by PanthersEye
  • 17 12 VaultRing by DaniAdventures
  • 18 10 How Not To Get Eaten by Various Phoenixes by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 19 10 Atrocious Athame by Qurilion
  • 20 9 Humming Blade by Ademal
  • 21 9 Palatreum by Kummer Wolfe
  • 22 8 Dragon's skull by Kros!
  • 23 7 Manifold Reckoner by BCGR_Wurth
  • 24 7 Oddes Shoppe Charms by Dazzlinkat
  • 25 7 Stuffed Bread by Jester%
  • 26 7 Archivist's cape by Revyera
  • 27 7 Kajusuzûn Chimes by SyntaxChick
  • 28 7 Rum by Jacob-W
  • 29 7 Peach Tree Dish by Tillerz
  • 30 6 Korumkak Brick by George Sanders
  • Language

  • 1 20 Ravenspeech by Tonarus
  • 2 19 Lexicon by Qurilion
  • 3 13 Gods' influence on language by AmélieIS
  • 4 9 Burnheart Cant by BCGR_Wurth
  • 5 7 Thünard by eccbooks
  • 6 5 Entwicklung von Aqital by Blue Fairy 74
  • 7 5 Nivish by Natsume Rune
  • 8 5 Belari-scal by Kummer Wolfe
  • (Super)Natural Law

  • 1 27 Aspect by Qurilion
  • 2 15 Dreams by Qurilion
  • 3 13 Fate of the Dead by Qurilion
  • 4 12 Fate by Qurilion
  • 5 12 Curse of Leximir by Tonarus
  • 6 10 Blissrot by Tonarus
  • 7 10 Breath-of-Life and the Toy Lifecycle by Naelin
  • 8 7 The Troll on Porridge Island by PrippyMontyPoppyCock
  • 9 6 Causal Correction by MadToxin
  • 10 6 Nautical Twilight by Jacob-W
  • 11 6 Collective Spellcasting by Teyvill
  • 12 5 The Filters by eccbooks
  • 13 5 On the Problem of Light by BCGR_Wurth
  • 14 5 Magic by tjtrewin
  • Building / Landmark

  • 1 28 The Qualic Scriptorium by Hanhula
  • 2 18 Soupermarket by Mochimanoban
  • 3 15 School of the Ceaseless Flame by Qurilion
  • 4 14 Great Library of Bridgeport by Tillerz
  • 5 13 Hut Hut by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 6 12 School of the Unblinking Eye by Qurilion
  • 7 11 Grandmother’s House by eccbooks
  • 8 11 Lagash - the Gloom by Qurilion
  • 9 10 New Wings Tatzel Cafe and Rescue by PrincessESH
  • 10 9 The Playground by Naelin
  • 11 8 Avast Library by George Sanders
  • 12 8 Feeding Halls for Eldritch Horror by AmélieIS
  • 13 8 Limani Supplies Dealer HQ by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 14 8 Lagash - the Imperial Hill by Qurilion
  • 15 8 Vigorous Helm by MandoMc
  • 16 7 School of Arcane Arts by Tillerz
  • 17 7 Arcane Academy by Tillerz
  • 18 6 Red Stirge Inn by George Sanders
  • 19 6 University of Hulwar by CrazyEddie
  • 20 6 Temple of the Five by Tillerz
  • 21 6 Nimlip's Cavern by Dragonquillca
  • 22 6 Cavea stations by Bladeswillfall
  • 23 6 Arcane Geysers by RiverFang
  • 24 5 Chapel of the Green Monks by Tillerz
  • Geographic Location

  • 1 28 Venus by nnie
  • 2 24 Crows Mountain by Tonarus
  • 3 21 Sol System by nnie
  • 4 20 Welcome to Lakhanavati by Qurilion
  • 5 19 Bay of Claws by George Sanders
  • 6 19 Osao Biomes by Mochimanoban
  • 7 19 Ravenwoods by Tonarus
  • 8 18 Anderia Island by Kefkejaco
  • 9 18 AO5 System by Mochimanoban
  • 10 17 Mars by nnie
  • 11 17 Unuth by Mochimanoban
  • 12 15 Hollowbane Woodlands by Tonarus
  • 13 15 Saralith Island by Kefkejaco
  • 14 15 Pamela by Mochimanoban
  • 15 14 Han by Tillerz
  • 16 14 Mycelial Caverns by Mochimanoban
  • 17 14 Elervir Isles by Kefkejaco
  • 18 14 Maze Forest by Mochimanoban
  • 19 14 Omaleri Island by Kefkejaco
  • 20 13 Jupiter by nnie
  • 21 13 Dave by Mochimanoban
  • 22 13 Navarlia Island by Kefkejaco
  • 23 12 The Creator by Catoblepon
  • 24 12 Kingdom of Arsavela by strixxline
  • 25 12 Gavoreka Isles by Kefkejaco
  • 26 11 Unuth Red Desert by Mochimanoban
  • 27 10 Clearmeadows by Hanhula
  • 28 10 Rostora Island by Kefkejaco
  • 29 9 Ivucarro by Mochimanoban
  • 30 9 Dhalmain Island by Naelin
  • Material

  • 1 16 Ironclad Ice by Qurilion
  • 2 15 Souls by Qurilion
  • 3 11 Crystalline materials and their use in magic by AmélieIS
  • 4 9 Charlinorite by George Sanders
  • 5 8 Dinosaur Leather™ by eccbooks
  • 6 7 Luinite by Dragonquillca
  • 7 7 Muslover tea by cow2face
  • 8 7 Etik by Kefkejaco
  • Military Conflict

  • 1 15 Battle of the Dragons Head by cow2face
  • 2 14 The Battle of Kin Beach by SableAradia
  • 3 9 Battle of Netter by Dhelian
  • 4 7 The Empire Strikes Back by RougeQc
  • 5 7 Narwhal vs Atlantic Trader by Jacob-W
  • 6 6 The Crippling Of The Formidable by The_Archmagos
  • 7 6 Narwhal vs Achenar by Jacob-W
  • 8 5 Zjaum/Ovt'kaka by Daskalarch
  • Myth / Legend

  • 1 26 The Three-headed Hydra by Tonarus
  • 2 18 Flower of Sorrow by Kefkejaco
  • 3 10 Hallowed by Miles Kayden
  • 4 10 Catoblepon by Mochimanoban
  • 5 10 Picture Book: The Tale of the Eldritch Horrors by AmélieIS
  • 6 9 Legend of the Stone Dragon by George Sanders
  • 7 9 The wandering barista by Angantyr
  • 8 7 The Myth Of Adonai by andromedatalks
  • 9 6 Devour by Miles Kayden
  • 10 5 Atlas by Miles Kayden
  • 11 5 Temoranity by SpyglassRealms
  • 12 5 The One About the Lost Triad by eccbooks
  • Organization

  • 1 30 House of Crows by Tonarus
  • 2 29 Rabensturm Institute by Tonarus
  • 3 27 D11 by Qurilion
  • 4 26 House of Serpents by Tonarus
  • 5 26 Principality of Sabba by Dhelian
  • 6 23 Crowsguard by Tonarus
  • 7 18 Mystarium by Tonarus
  • 8 17 The Blackcoats by Tonarus
  • 9 14 Inquisition by CrazyEddie
  • 10 13 House of the Bear by Tonarus
  • 11 13 The Rising Tide Brotherhood by Qurilion
  • 12 10 Herbs and Potions by SailingOcelot
  • 13 10 Hulwar by CrazyEddie
  • 14 10 House of Shadows by Tonarus
  • 15 9 Irates by Naelin
  • 16 8 Gods of Theydim by Lyraine Alei
  • 17 7 Elven Schools of Magic and Thought by Callyxtus
  • 18 7 Republic of Valia by Callyxtus
  • 19 7 Soloveyko Republic by Bladeswillfall
  • 20 7 Pikitora Optics by BCGR_Wurth
  • 21 7 The Lions of Vintiver by Naelin
  • 22 7 Limani Supplies Dealer by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 23 7 Kyenashi Empire by ninne124
  • 24 7 Theydim, Unified by Lyraine Alei
  • 25 6 The Sovereign by Miles Kayden
  • 26 6 Princes of the Dawn by Ninodonlord
  • 27 6 Leather Jacket Nomads by BCGR_Wurth
  • 28 6 Synth Reclamation Services by Colonel 101
  • 29 6 Blood Council of Europe by KajetanWrites
  • 30 5 Strosarian Republic Military by Kummer Wolfe
  • Person / Character

  • 1 45 Her Highness Princess Luna kitten by AmélieIS
  • 2 31 Monarch of Dusk by Tonarus
  • 3 29 T'kalia by Stormbril
  • 4 23 Sarak by Tonarus
  • 5 21 The Eldritch Moron by Tonarus
  • 6 21 Kris Rabensturm by Tonarus
  • 7 20 Rak'tos by Stormbril
  • 8 20 Qetzel by Stormbril
  • 9 20 Xiuthan by Stormbril
  • 10 18 Mistress Alina Lange by AmélieIS
  • 11 18 Magnolia "Magpie" Dolchenfeuer by Tonarus
  • 12 15 Mychael by Mochimanoban
  • 13 15 Janne Ette by Tillerz
  • 14 15 Wolyn Mando by Tonarus
  • 15 15 Theiket by Mochimanoban
  • 16 15 Delight by Naelin
  • 17 14 Dutrius Atlas by nnie
  • 18 14 Frost Queen by CrazyEddie
  • 19 14 The Emperor of Lagash by Qurilion
  • 20 14 Calhoon by Barron
  • 21 13 Sothime by Hanhula
  • 22 13 Cathy Kerlaben by Tonarus
  • 23 12 Gaze by Naelin
  • 24 12 Taiga by Naelin
  • 25 12 Local Eldritch Horror by AmélieIS
  • 26 12 Ame-Li by Tillerz
  • 27 12 Yana by Satrium
  • 28 12 Amelia Isde by Kefkejaco
  • 29 11 Aoric Kriegswind by Tonarus
  • 30 11 Nebula by Tillerz
  • Plot

  • 1 12 Terror of the Beasts by Teyvill
  • 2 6 And She Will Rise by Sterrestel
  • 3 6 Servant to Dragon and King by Sterrestel
  • Profession

  • 1 28 Sentinel by nnie
  • 2 25 Ghostbuster by Qurilion
  • 3 22 Raven Herald by Tonarus
  • 4 16 Tea Witch by EmilyArmstrong
  • 5 13 Imperial Wizard by Qurilion
  • 6 11 Rune Guild Members by AmélieIS
  • 7 7 Evil maid by Angantyr
  • 8 6 Jorrael by MHBiscup
  • 9 5 Steward of Nova Meskera by eccbooks
  • Ritual / Tradition

  • 1 41 Gauntlet by tjtrewin
  • 2 18 Irathian Funeral Pyres by PanthersEye
  • 3 18 Patronage by Qurilion
  • 4 15 Lootbox Eve by DaniAdventures
  • 5 14 The Dolphin Trek by Kefkejaco
  • 6 13 Burial rites in the Dark Halls by Revyera
  • 7 13 Void mummification by MHBiscup
  • 8 13 How to use food to seduce a Dark Lord by AmélieIS
  • 9 13 Becoming an Able Seaman by Jacob-W
  • 10 13 String Jewelry by MadToxin
  • 11 12 Vardan Marriages by MHBiscup
  • 12 11 Rathianic Funeral Tradition by PanthersEye
  • 13 10 Universities and higher education system by AmélieIS
  • 14 10 Annual Hunt by Mochimanoban
  • 15 9 Sefadel - Regalti Martial Arts by Chrispy_0
  • 16 9 Battle-harem by Tonarus
  • 17 8 The Gifts of the Wheel by inkflamewriter
  • 18 8 Dwarven Punishments by drunkenpanda951
  • 19 7 Bonfire Night by DapperCapricorn
  • 20 7 The Gift of Lighting by Ninodonlord
  • 21 7 Marlinespike by Jacob-W
  • 22 6 Celebration of the Ancestors by cow2face
  • 23 6 Bonding Figurines by Kaleidechse
  • 24 6 Voting in the Republic of Valia by Callyxtus
  • 25 6 Newborn Gold by cow2face
  • 26 6 Kingroups and Kithweaving by Ononomad
  • 27 6 Anamas Gifts Giving by kitoypoy
  • 28 5 Thydian Houses by Lyraine Alei
  • 29 5 The Welcome Basket by AP.
  • 30 5 Bekiskmas by eccbooks
  • Rank / Title

  • 1 26 Keystone by nnie
  • 2 19 Handmaid/Houselord by Tonarus
  • 3 10 Voidclaimed by MHBiscup
  • 4 8 The Phoenix Master by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 5 8 Light Lords by AmélieIS
  • 6 7 Captain by George Sanders
  • 7 7 Defender of the Realm by SableAradia
  • 8 6 Chief Officer by Jacob-W
  • 9 6 Limani Trading Master by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 10 5 Tai, great orc chief by Ninodonlord
  • 11 5 Reekian Representative to The Council of Five by eccbooks
  • Settlement

  • 1 23 Reversed Theory by Tonarus
  • 2 22 Airship of Theseus by nnie
  • 3 18 Gnomingen by Tillerz
  • 4 18 Dolchstadt by Tonarus
  • 5 15 Lagash - Arcanium District by Qurilion
  • 6 14 Lagash - the Pit by Qurilion
  • 7 13 Loforia by Kefkejaco
  • 8 11 Lagash, the Prime Spire by Qurilion
  • 9 10 Kamorda by Satrium
  • 10 9 Arborian Village by Mochimanoban
  • 11 9 Illonuit by Mochimanoban
  • 12 9 Seacos by Mochimanoban
  • 13 8 Pale Gear by George Sanders
  • 14 7 Tel'Avir by Satrium
  • 15 7 Tel'Denar by Satrium
  • 16 6 Emerald City by eccbooks
  • 17 6 The Taint by eccbooks
  • 18 6 Latera by Satrium
  • 19 6 Krades by Satrium
  • 20 6 Tiumosk city by Bladeswillfall
  • 21 6 Tarn by Tillerz
  • 22 5 Asolios by Satrium
  • 23 5 Phurr by Tillerz
  • 24 5 Jōminato by Barron
  • 25 5 Evyn by ninne124
  • 26 5 Asron, the Royal Captial by Jester%
  • 27 5 Belnbak by ninne124
  • 28 5 Seven Crows Fork by BCGR_Wurth
  • 29 5 Apollo Square by Miles Kayden
  • 30 5 Nelphildos: City of the Young by Timepool
  • Species

  • 1 31 Slow-Whale by Mochimanoban
  • 2 29 Fei by nnie
  • 3 28 Vampires by Qurilion
  • 4 27 Jelly Eel by Mochimanoban
  • 5 25 Nekorian by Kefkejaco
  • 6 24 Rune Deer by Mochimanoban
  • 7 24 Oceanid by nnie
  • 8 24 Death Pig by Mochimanoban
  • 9 23 Dragons by Mochimanoban
  • 10 23 Rock Snapper by Kefkejaco
  • 11 22 Shapeshifters by Serukis
  • 12 22 Deep Space Leviathan by nnie
  • 13 21 Crabble by Mochimanoban
  • 14 21 Aina: Frost Elves by Kefkejaco
  • 15 21 Sawshark by Mochimanoban
  • 16 20 Avar: the High Elves by Kefkejaco
  • 17 19 Serukian Shroom by Mochimanoban
  • 18 19 Corvex by Tonarus
  • 19 19 Mandrake by Tonarus
  • 20 19 Stormraven by Tonarus
  • 21 19 Wolf Duck by Mochimanoban
  • 22 18 Golden seekers by Catoblepon
  • 23 18 Mofae : Forest Elves by Kefkejaco
  • 24 18 White Tiger by Mochimanoban
  • 25 17 Gnome by Hanhula
  • 26 17 Daski: Dark Elves by Kefkejaco
  • 27 17 Licern by Naelin
  • 28 16 Mayhem Fish by Mochimanoban
  • 29 16 Orc by Lyraine Alei
  • 30 16 Spikekelp by Mochimanoban
  • Spell / Ability

  • 1 32 Slaying by Qurilion
  • 2 31 Magic in Niorath by Kefkejaco
  • 3 20 Nature Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 4 20 Delusiomancy by Tonarus
  • 5 18 Pyromancy by Tonarus
  • 6 18 Dimension Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 7 18 Mind Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 8 16 Drinking Touch by Qurilion
  • 9 16 Hydromancy by Tonarus
  • 10 15 Geomancy by Tonarus
  • 11 15 Electromancy by Tonarus
  • 12 15 Fire Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 13 14 Accumulated Han by CrazyEddie
  • 14 14 Aeromancy by Tonarus
  • 15 14 Divine Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 16 14 Sever Fate's Threads by Qurilion
  • 17 13 Death Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 18 13 Earth Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 19 11 Air Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 20 11 Water Magic by Kefkejaco
  • 21 8 Plasma // Constructs by Soulwing98
  • 22 8 Omnilingualism // Friend to all Things by Soulwing98
  • 23 7 Warmth Bubble by KajetanWrites
  • 24 6 Speed // Friction by Soulwing98
  • 25 5 Forkbomb by Angantyr
  • 26 5 Twisted Tongue Hex by Bonus Action
  • Technology / Science

  • 1 30 Hellware by Qurilion
  • 2 24 Simple Cybernetics by DaniAdventures
  • 3 24 Artificial Sun by Callyxtus
  • 4 24 Stormpunk by Tonarus
  • 5 15 Introduction to the Sextant by Jacob-W
  • 6 14 Flintlocks by Tonarus
  • 7 10 Transportation portals by AmélieIS
  • 8 10 Alchemy and Enchantments by AmélieIS
  • 9 10 Crystal Infusion by Bonus Action
  • 10 9 Points of sail by Jacob-W
  • 11 8 Orbital Station & Docks by Colonel 101
  • 12 8 Guns of the Sunset Dawn by Jacob-W
  • 13 8 Runic magic by AmélieIS
  • 14 7 Leik-Magic by Ninodonlord
  • 15 7 Display Tech by MadToxin
  • 16 6 Centaur Treadle by Mutterwolf
  • 17 6 Travel Tech by terioncalling
  • 18 5 Navigational Light by Jacob-W
  • 19 5 Magitech by Bonus Action
  • 20 5 Self-Propelled Inventory Transfer by eccbooks
  • Vehicle

  • 1 27 Blaze Cart by Kefkejaco
  • 2 18 Mudskipper by Mochimanoban
  • 3 12 Silverlight by Theiket
  • 4 12 Boxer Blazer by The_Archmagos
  • 5 10 The Brineclad by Tonarus
  • 6 10 Military Dreadnought Class Starship - Human by Colonel 101
  • 7 7 CKV Mercury Sable by BCGR_Wurth
  • 8 7 Dwarvish Hämnare by eccbooks
  • 9 7 Sweets N Smiles by DapperCapricorn
  • 10 7 Saint George of Lydda class by Jacob-W
  • 11 6 FWV Small Fry by Barron
  • 12 6 Orc sled by Ninodonlord
  • 13 6 Blacktrack Rattlers by Jatubs
  • 14 5 Achenar by Jacob-W
  • 15 5 Mary by Jacob-W
  • 16 5 Borodin by Teyvill
  • 17 5 Saint George of Lydda by Jacob-W
  • 18 5 The Ship by Naelin
  • 19 5 Galleon by Adcheryl
  • Last update: 2022-12-31 18:59:55.090904 GMT