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Kaldri Progress Report


Delia is the largest and most civilized of all continents on Umbriel. It is divided into six regions: Alshar, Arliden, Nalhalla, Sancrist, Zangaria and Falskaar. Each nation has its own culture, language, traditions, etc.

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Port City of Aramoor

The City of Aramoor is a large port city located along the western coast of Delia, in the country of Alshar. It's known as "the city of thieves" due to the fact that there are many pirates who live here.

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The U'uulion are a race of night creatures that originate from another world. They have no natural predators here on Umbriel, and will go out of their way to kill a human.

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Alshar is the largest country in Delia. Alshar is located at the center of the continent of Delia. There are many cities throughout the country, but they are not as important as the capital, Vashin. In addition to the capital, there are two large ports:

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Capital City Vashin

Vashin is the capital city of Alshar. It has been ruled by kings since before recorded history began. Its location on the southern shore of The Sea Of Storms gives it strategic importance. This means that it has often been attacked by pirates

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Port City Shavadeh

Shavadeh is a large port city in Alshar. It lies along the coast of The Sea Of Storms, just north of Aramoor. It has been described as "a sprawling mass of houses, shops, warehouses, and taverns", and it serves as the main trading hub between

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The Sea Of Storms

The Sea of Storms is a body of water surrounding Alshar. It's filled with dangerous currents and storms that make it difficult to navigate safely. Ships traveling between Alshar and other countries often get caught up in these conditions

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A large city within the country of Alshar, Larisse is known for its fine wines and beautiful women. It is also home to the university where students study magic. The city has been destroyed twice by monsters from beyond the stars

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Tarkenon is a large city in the country of Alshar. It is located in the southern part of the country. Tarkenon is surrounded by farms. These farms produce various types of grains, fruit, and vegetables.

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Umbriel was once inhabited by an ancient, yet very advanced race called the Thay, who built great cities across the surface of the world. It is believed the Thay were defeated by another race, known as the U'uulions.

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Ruins of Ancient Thay

The ruins of the Thay race lie in the mountains of Alshar. These ruins date back thousands of years ago when the Thay ruled over the continent of Delia. The ruins consist of stone walls and towers, and are surrounded by dense forest.

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Arliden is a small kingdom that borders Alshar to the north. It has a population of about 10,000 people. Its capital city is called Beklevek. It sits on the banks of the River Styrm. Beklevek is surrounded by fields of wheat and barley.

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Beklevek is the capital city of the kingdom of Arliden. It's located on the banks of the River Styrm. The city is surrounded by farmland and forests. There are several large houses surrounding the center of town.

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River Styrm

River Styrm is a large river in the kingdom of Arliden. The capital city of Beklevek lies along its banks. The river flows through the countryside and empties into Lake Taldor. The lake is used for fishing and boating. Fishermen use nets to catch fish. Bo

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Lake Taldor

Lake Taldor is a large body of water located in the Kingdom of Arliden. It's surrounded by mountains, so it's not easily accessible. However, there are several roads that lead to the shoreline.

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Falskaar is a city-state located in the mountains of northern Delia. It was founded by the elves, who built it as a refuge for those fleeing persecution from humans and other races. They call themselves "The People" but they're not actually human.

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"The People"

"The People" are a race of elves who live in the northern mountain city of Falskaar. The elves have been known to inhabit this land since before the time of the Dragon War

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Dandolos is a large city in the country of Alshar. It borders cities of Larisse and Tarkenon. It is located in the central part of the country. Dandolos is surrounded by fields of wheat, barley, and other grains.

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Eltabbar is the largest city in the city-state of Falskaar. It lies at the base of the mountains surrounding the city. The city consists mainly of wooden houses and small shops lining narrow streets. There are several large buildings in the center of town

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Galt is an island nation off the west coast of Alshar. Its location makes it difficult to reach, so few people visit it. Legend has it that a powerful magic resides beneath the island. Some say that it's the source of the island's power

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Ullin is the capital city of Galt. It lies at the center of the island nation. It was built by the first settlers of Galt, back when the island was still part of Alshar.

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King Orico

King Orico rules over the kingdom of Galt with an iron fist. He is very strict and unforgiving. His subjects must obey his every command or face harsh punishment. Anyone who disobeys his orders faces exile.

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Dragon War

The Dragon War was a war between two races: the elven race known as "The People" and the dragon called Vkandis. It took place during the reign of King Kariel, and lasted for many years.

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Vkandis is a dragon that attacked "The People" during the Dragon War. He is currently in hiding, plotting his attack on the elves.

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"The People" of Falskaar are a group of elves living in the mountains near the city of Falskaar. They believe that Al'Akir, a god of justice, will protect them from harm. They worship him and pray to him every day.

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Ilin Illan

Ilin Illan is a large port kingdom south of Alshar. Crime is rampant here, especially among the lower classes. Thieves and pickpockets abound in the streets, and the guards rarely bother to do anything about it.

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Nalhalla is a desert nation in the south of Delia. It's known for its harsh climate, but it also contains many oases where people can find water and shelter from the heat.

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Sadai is the second largest city in Nalhalla. It's located in the southwestern corner of the desert, and it serves as a military outpost. The city is protected by a wall made up of wooden stakes driven deep into the ground.

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Sarif City

Sarif City is the capital of Nalhalla. It's located in the center of a large oasis, and it acts as a trading hub for merchants traveling through the desert. The city itself is quite large, but it's surrounded by walls to protect it from raiders.

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Taldor, a once prosperous nation in the northern reaches of the Delia. Its capital city is located near the border of Alshar and Falskaar. It is ruled by King Talion, who rules over a court of nobles and military officers. His rule is not absolute

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Vengora is a small nation in the east of Delia. It's known for its deserts and harsh climate. The people here are very superstitious, believing that certain places have magical properties.

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Zangaria is a nation in the southwestern part of Delia. It's known as the "Land of Fire" due to the many volcanoes found there. The capital city is called Kandersteg. The people here speak a dialect of the Alsharian language called "Kanderstgian".

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The capital city of Zangaria, Kandersteg, is located at the base of Mount Kandersteg. It's surrounded by a wall which protects the citizens from hostile attacks and from Mount Kandersteg itself. Inside the walls, there are several districts.

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Ustalav was once a prosperous nation known as "the Jewel of the East". Ustalav lies along the eastern coast of Delia. It was ruled by a succession of cruel kings who persecuted anyone who did not follow their beliefs.

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Sancrist is a prosperous, dwarf run kingdom at the base of the mountain range in northern Delia. It's known as "the City of Gold" due to the abundance of gold mines found there.

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Lirian is a small town in the middle of nowhere in the southern forests of Delia. It's surrounded by dense woods and tall trees, making it difficult to travel through without getting lost. The people who live here are mostly farmers and woodcutters.

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House of Valheru

The House of Valheru has ruled over Alshar for around 200 years. They are the most powerful family in Delia.

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King Raelin I

King Raelin I of the House of Valheru is the current king of Alshar. Raelin is a good ruler. He is kind and compassionate towards his subjects. He is a skilled diplomat, able to negotiate treaties with neighboring countries without offending anyone.

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King Adalard III

Adalard was born in 628. He was the first child of Adalard II. He grew up in the royal palace at Vashin, where he received a proper education. At age 16, he was sent to study magic at the Academy in Solis.

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Umbriel is a mysterious planet discovered by humans many years ago. It was once inhabited by an advanced race called the Thay, who built great cities across the surface of the world. The Thay were defeated by another race, known as the U'uulions.

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King Aedelas Ironfist

Sancrist is ruled by the dwarven King Aedelas Ironfist, who rules over the entire dwarven population of the area. He became king at a young age and was raised by his mother after his father died.

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Queen Dalaen

Queen Dalaen is the ruler of the elves known as "The People". She rules over Falskaar and is considered to be an embodiment of good. Her rule is absolute and she does not tolerate disobedience.

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King Baladar

King Baladar is the ruler of Vengora. He rules over his kingdom with an iron fist, but he has a soft spot for children. He often visits orphanages and gives them gifts. His wife Queen Arianne was killed by bandits several years ago

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King Kalak

King Kalak is the ruler of Zangaria. He rules his nation with an iron fist. His rule is absolute and he does whatever he wants without regard for what others think. He is cruel and unforgiving, and he enjoys watching people suffer.

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The people of Alshar follow their god named "Ral" and worship him as a living being. They believe that he created the world, and they pray to him for guidance in all things. His priests are called "Sage", and they serve as advisors to the king.

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Teachings of Ral

The teachings of Ral were first recorded around 300 years ago. At that time, Alshar was still ruled by the elves, but it had already begun to fall under the influence of human settlers. This caused tension between the two races, which led to conflict.

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On Ralsday, the citizens of Alshar gather at the temple to celebrate the birth of their god. This celebration takes place one week before the winter solstice. It begins with an early morning prayer service led by the priests of Ral.

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Another holiday celebrated by the people of Alshar is "Pitfall." Pitfalls take place twice a year in spring and fall. People gather together to throw rocks into pits filled with water. Whoever throws the rock closest to the bottom wins.

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Rally Day

Rally Day is a celebration held every ten years in honor of the founding of Alshar. During this time, Alshari children dress up like kings and queens and ride through town on decorated horses. These riders then give gifts to the poor and needy.

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Fairy Ring

Fairy Ring is a circle of mushrooms growing in the forest near Arliden. It appears every full moon. Locals say that the mushrooms glow brightly at night. They say that the mushrooms emit strange sounds, like music. Sometimes, they even float through the a

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Humans of Alshar

Life for humans in Alshar is good. The people enjoy peace and prosperity under the rule of the House of Valheru. The nation is rich in natural resources and it exports much of what it produces.

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Akkadian warriors are a warrior tribe in the wastes of Nalhalla. They despise the Tuareg, whom they consider cowards. They're famous for their skill with lances and bows, which they use to slay enemy soldiers.

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The Tuareg are a tribe of desert warriors who live in the wastes of Nalhalla. They were originally nomadic camel herders, but they now use camels as mounts instead.

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Khatmehs are a nomadic tribe of desert dwellers who live in the wastes of Nalhalla. They're a poor people, living in tents made of animal hides and carrying everything they own on their backs.

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22513 words 225.13% completed!

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