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Ddaear Progress Report

Magical Armor

1073 words

Mariner's Armor

57 words

Battering Shield

84 words

Scorpion Armor

139 words

Animated Shield

98 words

Demon Armor

112 words

Mithral Armor

52 words

Hunter's Coat

64 words

Efreeti Chain

52 words

Pariah's Shield

99 words

Magical Rings

751 words

Ring of Evasion

51 words

Ring of Resistance

151 words

Ring of the Ram

137 words

Ring of Winter

823 words

Magical Rods

390 words

Immovable Rod

99 words

Rod of Rulership

103 words

Tentacle Rod

149 words

Rod of Absorption

267 words

Rod of Alertness

229 words

Rod of Security

219 words

Magical Staves

430 words

Magical Wands

418 words

Magical Scrolls

247 words

Ddaear Progress so far

12247 words 122.47% completed!

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