A Ral-mi Communications Specialist working for the Pact Jhoutigari - Dashing and Capable
A Federation-Born Wayship engineer working off a debt inherited from his parents - Intelligent and Ambitious
The Jhoutigari Wayhall Patrol is an space-faring group that patrols and recons the massive expanse of Pact space.
The second of three siblings in the Yamamoto family. The brains, the armor smith, and the partier.
A sickness caused by synthetic gravity fluctuations in Meissner Engine technology.
The Syndicate fringe world which is headed by Yamamoto Defense Industries. A sparse oceanic world with three major cities.
I am here for Ethnis primarily, working as a secondary developer to Ademal My passions and experience come in the form of video games and design, unreal engine, C++, Ruby (not on rails.) I am an aspiring gunsmith as a hobby, and I collect and am willing to share knowledge on firearms if anyone needs that info for any of their projects. I also am always interested in military related affairs (such as historic battles and the like)