JakeFist Progress Report

Morrius Tarlor

556 words

Sanguine Lexicon

Written in 1153 by proclaimed prophet Morrius Tarlor, a holy text of Ziztarr.

361 words


500 words

Garden Of Souls

The Garden of Souls is where all souls go after death.

389 words


Banished creations of Ziztarr

526 words

Tewzhan Dhelweard, Soul Collector

Ziztarr's first creation. Soul collector. Guardian of the Fires of Ziztarr.

584 words


367 words


1098 words


1131 words

Mother's Feast

Mother's Feast is a festival celebrating when the Clan Mother decided to open the clan to all peoples of Tern in a time of crisis.

422 words


A lizard of Tern, livestock. Part of the average diet.

281 words


A large beastused to pull carts in the underground Kingdom of Tern.

776 words


An illegal iridescent blue powder.

444 words

Black Ale

523 words

JakeFist Progress so far

10101 words 101.01% completed!

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