Vibeca Progress Report

Ameada Angeleos

918 words

Orphanage of Angeleor

304 words

Eleonian Army

166 words

Calain Matheos

428 words

House Angeleos

399 words

Women in the eleonian Military

307 words


398 words

Pine Wood

342 words

Milnor Soanis

589 words

House Soanis

93 words


382 words


147 words

The Black Bear

140 words


693 words


442 words

Nicoleas Aorelis

654 words

House Aorelis

126 words


71 words

Beodin Matheos

577 words

Ilea Meados

495 words

Highlands of Meador

354 words

Eleothar Angeleos

693 words

Vibeca Progress so far

9754 words 97.54% completed!

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I am a student of musicology who likes and has always liked to write stories in her spare time. One of the main characters of my current project, Ionathar Angeleos, then named Jonathan, has been around since I was about six years old, back when I was the biggest fan of dinosaurs and knights, but in the seventeen-ish years between then and now, much has obviously changed about the character and his world.

Aside from writing, my interests include mainly music, both making and listening to it. I've sung in several choirs over the years and play the flute as well as some very basic tin whistle, guitar and piano. As for listening, I like rock and metal as well as "classical" music, although I am not a big fan of viennese classicism (Haydn, Mozart, etc.). Those I like for writing, because they don't require much concentration to listen to.

I also like reading and watching movies and TV shows, particularly those in vaguely fantasy or sci-fi-related genres. I'm also interested in many a thing related to the european middle ages, I have dabbled into historical swordfighting and renaissance dance and enjoy consuming content related to historical living and crafting.

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