Old Gods of Almahna

The Old Gods of Almahna refers to the Almahnan pantheon of deities, the first religion. Or at least that's what followers of the faith would have many to believe. The religion is mainly practiced in Almahna, but there are some in other parts of the world who also practice it. There are Temples, for instance, in the Quatrica Islands, but for the most part none of them are really devoted to one deity or another and rather have shrines dedicated to each of the deities set up around the perimeter of the Temple hall. It's really a secondary religion in that region. There are many who also practice it in Atlantea.   Many people through out the world really feel that it is an old and dying religion.

Mythology & Lore

First Raanu created Sola, the sun, with its life giving light rays.
  Second, he created the planets. First Morrow, the smallest and dimmest of the planets, he created this as a test. Next he created Gravi'tana, which was close to his vision but not quite there. Next he created Sumervale, the bright red star in our sky, but it was too far in the other direction. Fourthly, he created Jupale, but it was far too large. Finally, he created Terr'ahna. And it was just right.
  He gave special attention to Terr'ahna, the jewel of his eyes and his true masterpiece. Now that the canvas was perfect, he added the colours. He created the plants, the trees, the flowers. Next he thought a little blue would go a long way, so he added the seas and the oceans. But the seas were unstable and unpredictable. He needed a way to bring them into balance. So he created the two moons, Luna and Mund. And finally the seas were in balance.
  But then they came. The darkness of the Void spread across the solar system like a plague. They invaded and destroyed his creations. Raanu was alone in defending this place he spent so much time on. Until his siblings came to his aid. Elzrava, Vedoraal, and Satru helped Raanu to fight back the Void and push the Ancient Ones back to whence they came. The war was over, and Raanu, in thanks, gave dominion over the seas to Elzrava, who accepted his gift with grace and humility. He then gave dominion of the skies and storms to Vedoraal, who looked down on his gift with scorn and jealousy, but took it anyway, his rage silent but brewing. He offered dominion over the mountains to Satru, but he turned the gift down and humbly took dominion over the Undergrave instead.
  The ages passed, and soon Raanu would come to meet others, Maryve, Verszagro, Austrione, Morigoth, and Maryve's sister, Majin. Verszagro was in love with Maryve. But upon seeing Raanu for the first time, Maryve fell head over heels in love with him. Soon she would marry Raanu, and as a wedding gift, she created all of the life of the world.
  This enraged Verszagro however, and together with Austrione and Morigoth, he plotted to destroy all of Raanu and Maryve's creations and take control of the Sacred Nexus for themselves. Their treachery would not go unpunished, however, as they were caught by Satru, who secretly spied upon them since their arrival and brought news of their treachery to Raanu, who was most displeased. For their troubles, they were all Forgotten and banished from the Sacred Nexus for all time. After this, Maryve would decide her children on Terr'ahna should have free will in order to defend themselves from the treachery of the Forgotten Gods in the future.
  Over time, more arrived in the Sacred Nexus, and the treachery of Verszagro, Austrione, and Morigoth would be forgotten as they themselves. Endora and Kiliran arrived, and they each would take dominion over the mountains and the wild respectively.
  Raanu and Maryve together would soon have a daughter, who they name Debrial. As she grows up, she dreams of the stars and from her dreams, the stars are born. But one starry night, Verszagro would return. He snuck up upon Maryve and took her in the night. Endora and Kiliran would soon find her and save her from his clutches, but all too late, for his seed of corruption had been planted. A seed that Morigoth helped create. And as the seed bloomed and grew, soon another daughter was born. But she was deformed and corrupted. Raanu responded in rage as he hunted Verszagro down and upon finding him, he threatened to tear him to pieces. But Satru would stop him and suggest another alternative. To imprison Verszagro in the deepest Hell for all eternity, where he would suffer in pain for all of time. Raanu accepted this, and Satru took Verszagro, deep into the Undergrave, from whence he would never escape.
  As Vlashmu grew, her corruption grew. And so too her anger. Her anger at all. Her anger with Debrial with her carefree ways. Her anger with her mother, and most especially her father. They would all have a falling out and Vlashmu would leave.
  But in her place, soon would come Phantos upon a crystalline meteor from the deepest parts of space, which would collide with one of Debrial's shooting stars, breaking into two pieces. One of the pieces would crash into Gravi'tana, spreading Phantos' magical blood through out its lands and giving life where once there was none. And the second larger piece would crash into Terr'ahna, igniting a surge of growth through out the lands. But as Phantos laid there on Terr'ahna, Debrial would come to rescue her and as soon as their eyes met, they would fall madly in love.
  From Debrial and Phantos' love, and Phantos' blood, a new form of life would rise upon Terr'ahna, which they would call the Mystimon. First came the Dinozaurs. And over time they would go extinct and evolve and newer more wondrous Mystimon would take their place. And Phantos would take dominion over the Mystimon as the Mother of Mystimon.
  As the people of Terr'ahna grew more civilized and sophisticated, Majin would decide to help them upon their path and establish law and order and civilization. It is in this time the free will granted to them by the Goddess of Life would be tested.

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