
God of Adventure

Once a mortal human, Conflee tends to be a pain in the backside for many of the gods with his boisterous manner. In his mortal years he was a drunken sellsword with skill with a blade and fearless resolve. No one is entirely sure how Conflee came to be a god. Many think it was just another of Satru's tricks. Either way, divine responsibility did nothing to change him from how he was in his mortal life. He continues to crave adventure, drink, pleasurable company, and mostly drink. There isn't a time when he doesn't have a drink in his hand. But he does have one thing going for him. He absolutely despises bullies and tyrants. Now if only he'd leave his hands off of Maryve and quit incurring Raanu's wrath, maybe he'd be okay. Then again, maybe not.

Divine Domains

The god of ale, bravery, freedom, and wine. And most other drinks.

Holy Books & Codes

No one is sure if Conflee even knows how to read.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Conflee's symbol is that of a pint of ale. What else?


Many followers of Conflee tend to celebrate him every day they can.
Edicts: Drink, free slaves and aid the oppressed, seek glory and adventures, and then drink again. All in a day's work!
Anathema: Waste alcohol, be mean or standoffish when drunk, own a slave.
Follower Alignments: Spirit, Water, Element  

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability: Constitution or Charisma
Divine Font: Heal
Divine Skill: Athletics
Favored Weapon: Rapier
Domains: Cities, Freedom, Indulgence, Might
Cleric Spells: 1st: Fleet Step, 2nd: Touch of Idiocy, 5th: Hallucination
Divine Classification

Divine Intercession

Conflee sometimes hands out his blessings and communicates his wrath at seemingly random times based on his drunken whims.
Minor Boon: Conflee helps you recover from nights of carousing. While you still get drunk and otherwise experience the effects of alcohol normally, you are never hung over the next morning.
Moderate Boon: You share some of the bravery Conflee espoused during his ascension. When you roll a success on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. If you have the fighter bravery class feature, when you roll a critical failure on a save against a fear effect, you get a failure instead.
Major Boon: An embodiment of freedom, you break fetters with ease. At the end of each of your turns, you can end one effect that is currently making you immobilized (including effects that make you immobilized by grabbing or restraining you) as a free action.
Minor Curse: Individuals who raise Conflee's passing displeasure awake as if from a hard night of drinking and find that drink tastes foul.
Moderate Curse: Conflee has afflicted you with cowardice. Whenever you roll a critical success on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a success instead, and each time you roll a failure on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical failure instead.
Major Curse: Conflee curses you to suffer in the presence of drinking, making it hard for you to bear entering any tavern. Whenever any creature drinks alcohol within 100 feet of you, you suffer all negative effects from the alcohol (but only the alcohol) instead. This doesn’t apply if the creature gains any special effect from drinking alcohol.


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