The Tribunal

Two years ago, with the rise of new threats across the land, and with the dissolution of the Allied Nations Council by the new Fae'roh, Stormbreak, Kairine saw fit to appoint the PC's as the new Tribunal. As she explained, the Tribunal was an ancient organisation back in the First Age, which saw to threats to the Throne, and in fact gave rise to the Allied Nations Council eventually. She hoped at the time that this new Tribunal would do the same, but she also knew that the Fae'roh would never accept it, and so the Tribunal was kept secret.   However, with the events of the last year, and with the recent Dragon Lord attacks all over the world, as well as the revelation that Evilon yet still lives, Kairine could no longer keep the Tribunal a secret from the Fae'roh. But he surprised her, in that he agreed that such an organisation was necessary, though as he also felt that the existence of such an organisation could potentially cause some disruption amongst the Maji Guard, he ordered her to assign one Maji Guard officer to the Tribunal.   The Tribunal's mission is hence to investigate matters which threaten the Throne, and to eliminate the Undead Kings, a dire threat to all of Terr'ahna.   In late 2740 3A, in their last mission, the Tribunal teamed up with a group of adventurers from Olympus to take on the Undead Kings head on in one last war for the fate of Atlantea, and indeed all of Terr'ahna. In the midst of the final battle, they defeated and destroyed Brazius once and for all, and his destruction in turn stripped seven of the other Undead Kings of their immortality.


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