
The God of Mystia

Mystia is a powerful force in Terr'ahna, and means different things to different people. No one truly knows where it came from. We just know it's been apart of Terr'ahna for as long as there has been life. It is apart of all life. It flows through the veins of all living creatures, people and Mystimon alike. To some people, Mystia a powerful and destructive weapon with the power to destroy all of creation in the wrong hands. To others, it is a malleable and powerful tool that can do great things in the right hands. But to a few, it is a source of purpose. With a good understanding of Mystia, creatures can cause fire to erupt from their hands, call upon Mystimon to aid them, confuse the senses, and even bring back the dead. The power to reshape reality to whatever one needs or wants is a powerful call that most only dream of being able to answer. Fewer still are able to master it.   Gonzo is one such master. They were once revered as a god-king in the Ocean Kingdoms millennia ago, the only one to truly unite the kingdoms. And after they left this plane, this union once again shattered. In their life, they were thought by some to be eccentric. Crazy even. But they believed steadfast in the balance of all of Mystia. They felt that every single colour of Mystia was necessary to preserve this delicate balance. So much so that they held counsel with seven master spellcasters, one of each of the colours. Some scholars believe that this may have been the origin of the Guardians.   But Gonzo wanted more. They wanted more knowledge. More power. They sought to unlock the secrets and the truth of the Multiverse and the planes therein. And the one place they knew they could get the knowledge they sought: the Ancient Ones. But there is a price to such requests, especially of the Ancient Ones. And Gonzo paid this price with their already fragile mind, which was shattered into multiple pieces, creating in place multiple different identities. So when someone says, "They're as gone as Gonzo," this is what they mean.
Edicts seek out magical power and use it Anathema pursue mundane paths over magical ones Areas of Concern Mystia Follower Alignments Any  

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Wisdom or Intelligence Divine Font harm or heal Divine Skill Arcana Favored Weapon staff Domains destruction, knowledge, magic, protection Alternate Domains glyph Cleric Spells 1st: magic missile, 2nd: magic mouth, 3rd: levitate, 4th: blink, 5th: prying eye, 6th: wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th: maze, 9th: disjunction
Aligned Organization
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