
Lord of Judgment

Coriphus is the guardian of the Undergrave. Through his judgment, all souls must pass. Many through out the ages have thought that the mythical Mystimon, Narubis, is his avatar here on Terr'ahna, though scholars disagree. First of all, most scholars can't even agree on whether there is sufficient evidence Narubis is even real, most think it's nothing more than a myth.
Coriphus guards the gates to the Undergrave, but not by choice. He despises Satru with a passion and has never gotten along with him. Though Coriphus holds his duty most sacred. Many in recent years have begun praying to Coriphus, hoping that he might come to deliver them from the Undead legions of the Lich Lords, but never do they receive an answer. Though many still cling on to that hope.

Divine Domains

The Guardian of the Undergrave, Lord of Judgment, The All-Seeing Eye.

Holy Books & Codes

A book dedicated to Coriphus, known as the Book of the Dead, is currently held by scholars in Almahna.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Coriphus' symbol is that of an eye.
Edicts: Lay bodies to rest, destroy undead, be impartial in judgment
Anathema: Desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb, trap a soul
Follower Alignment: Spirit, Earth, Light  

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability: Dextery or Wisdom
Divine Font: Harm or Heal
Divine Skill: Occultism
Favored Weapon: Flail
Domains: Death, Protection, Soul, Vigil
Cleric Spells: 1st: Unseen Servant, 3rd: Shifting Sand, 5th: Wall of Stone
Divine Classification


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