Eira Last

Eira Last (a.k.a. Snowy)

"I don't need your charity or pity!"   Eira Last is a new recruit of the Wayfinders Society. Crystal took this 17 year old girl in when she found her living on the streets of Calrune. She felt sorry for the girl, whose parents died on a family trip to the Quatrica Islands 2 years ago during the Cataclysm. She is stubborn and precocious, with a loner streak. She continuously tries to do things on her own and her own way. She believes that she needs no one. Crystal took her in and gave her a home in the Wayfinders Society lodge, and now she is about at her wit's end with the girl.   Eira Last is a sorcerer, with a natural born talent for Water magic, particularly of the Frost school. Crystal has tried to tutor her in Mystia Casting, but Eira is a very difficult student.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in 2724 in Calrune, Almahna. She's lived here all her life with her parents. In 2739, she went with her parents on a family vacation to the Quatrica Islands. But they did not know of the impending war of the Dragon Lords at the time. Upon a trip in Maona, while Eira stayed in Bra'iv, her parents were killed as the Cataclysm began, amidst the destruction wrought by the Dragon Lords' wrath. Often she wishes she were there with them, though she knows she probably would have died as well.   Eventually she found her way back to Calrune, where she lived on the streets, just trying to get by, learning to fend for herself. She eventually learned of her natural born talent for Water magic, particularly of the Frost school, but lacked the training to learn how to properly control it. Soon, in 2740, as Crystal and Kuai returned to Calrune alongside Tannewyn, she happened to bump into them, when she picked off Crystal's coin purse.   But Crystal figured it out and chased her down. Though she wasn't angry or vengeful, as Eira would have expected. More, she was kind and sympathetic. She bought her a meal and lodging. Eventually she opened up to her about her past. Crystal felt sorry for the girl, and perhaps a little guilty, as she herself was involved in the events that led to her parents' deaths.   Crystal took her in, and gave her a home in the Wayfinders Society lodge. She also began training her in controlling her Mystia Casting abilities.

Gender Identity

Female. She doesn't see herself any other way. She goes by she/her.


Still figuring it out, but she is now in a relationship with Kuai Treewatcher .

Mental Trauma

Her greatest mental trauma is the loss of her parents just a couple of years ago and being left alone and orphaned. That has led to a deep-seated fear of being alone and of abandonment. While she greatly appreciates Crystal taking her in and giving her a home, she's also deeply afraid that she will eventually 'abandon' her as well.

Personality Characteristics


Eira believes that she can take care of herself, that she doesn't need anyone else, and hence often tries to do things her own way, much to Crystal's chagrin, as she worries that eventually this solo act will get Eira killed. Eira is fiercely independent to a fault and she wants to prove that she can take care of herself and that she doesn't need anyone else.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Eira has an unusual talent for Water: Frost magic, something Crystal notes is unusual for her age and level of training. But when Crystal has tried to train her in Element magic, which she believes Eira should be able to do given her natural talent with Mystia Casting, she has completely failed to really grasp it.

Virtues & Personality perks

Eira is independent, fiercely so. But since falling for Kuai, this has awakened in her a protective and caring personality. But the moment you threaten Kuai, she will turn you into an ice cube in a split second.

Vices & Personality flaws

Eira, as stated earlier, is independent to a fault, having a loner streak and believing that she doesn't need anyone else. But now, as she is in a relationship with Kuai Treewatcher, she is conflicted. She feels an obligation to protect and take care of Kuai, yet she is still fiercely independent. Being with Kuai has changed her in many ways however, and she's no longer as much of a loner as she used to be.


Contacts & Relations

In Raanu of 2742, after months of getting closer and closer to Kuai, she finally kissed her. In that moment she realized just how much she cared for her. Now, the two have been in a relationship for several months, and they are still going strong. Anyone who sees them together will swear that they are married, even though they haven't quite gotten to that step yet. They are now living together in a small homestead on Foxhollow Ranch.   However, Eira's relationship with her mother, Luna Astoria, is not quite so good. While improving now, they are still estranged for the most part.

Family Ties

Eira is estranged from her mother, Luna Astoria, although their relationship is improving now. Her father died tragically in the Cataclysm, the war of the Dragon Lords which wreaked havoc across Maona a few years ago.

Religious Views

Eira doesn't really believe in gods of any sort.

Social Aptitude

Her fierce independence can also be taken as a sort of egotistical view, in a certain light, as she constantly tries to prove that she doesn't need help, that she can do everything by herself. She also tends to be rather curt and perhaps rude to other people. She's even extremely rude to Crystal, despite the fact that she gave her a home when she had no where to go.   However, since she fell in love with Kuai Treewatcher, she has changed in many notable ways. While she is still fiercely independent, she has learned to care for others, as she feels an obligation to protect and take care of Kuai. In turn, her attitude toward Crystal, and others in fact, has seen a positive change. She now understands what Crystal was trying to do.


She has a habit of wandering off and trying to do everything herself in her own way, but this more often than not just leads to her getting into trouble.   Many will notice her protective and caring attitude towards Kuai. While she is still independent, she has learned to care for others as well as to work with others.


Eira Last

girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Kuai Treewatcher



Kuai Treewatcher

girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Eira Last




Eira met Kuai when she was taken in by Crystal. She immediately found Kuai's bubbly personality rather annoying, as well as her penchant for growing flowers. The moment they met, the first thing Kuai did was grow a flower in mid air and give it to her. She soon learned that she does this with practically everyone they meet. But it was in that moment that Eira felt something for Kuai, that later bloomed into a deep caring.   When Kuai was scared and in danger at Xulgoth's castle in Convergence, Eira ran off to go find her on her own. As she was trying to comfort her, she suddenly kissed her. It was in that moment that Eira realized just how much she cared for Kuai. Their relationship has since blossomed into a romance.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kuai likes to call Eira, 'Snowy'.

Relationship Reasoning

Kuai and Eira became adopted sisters when Crystal took Eira in and gave her a home. While Crystal isn't the official adopted parent for either of them, she has become such for Kuai since Kairine left to deal with important matters, and became an adopted parent in a way for Eira when she took her in off the street and gave her a home.

Legal Status

Unofficial Adopted Siblings

Wealth & Financial state

Since her parents died, Eira doesn't have anything to her name, that she knows of. Crystal is researching this and seeing if there was any sort of inheritance that should rightfully belong to Eira.
Character Location
View Character Profile
Water: Frost
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th of Debrial, 2724 3A
Year of Birth
2724 3A 19 Years old
Current Residence
Light blue
Silvery blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white
114 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Drakan, Elvan.

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