Luna Astoria

Luna - Astoria

Both a witch and a mother, she was at one time a mysterious figure, until in a chance encounter, her daughter, Eira Last, recognized her. What one would think would be a happy occasion turned sour when Luna made some nasty remarks, particularly about Eira's relationship with Kuai Treewatcher. . . remarks that Luna would immediately regret deeply.   She has distanced herself from her daughter in an effort to protect her. . . or at least that's what she told herself. She thought she was protecting Eira from her enemies. But she was really only protecting herself. She has since tried to make amends with Eira, and has tried to get to know Kuai. The one thing she regrets the most, was faking her own death in the first place.   A few years ago, in 2740, Luna, Eira, and Eira's father, Stevos, were all one happy family. Luna had practiced witchcraft in her earlier years but left all of that behind when she became a mother, though she maintained her belief in the Primal Spirits, an old pagan-esque religion. Then the fateful day came. . . when Luna was on a trip alone with Stevos, her husband, in Maona, the War of the Dragon Lords struck, and in the chaos and destruction, she and Stevos were struck. But while he was killed, Luna called upon the Primal Spirits to save her in a selfish request. . . which unbeknownst to her corrupted the spirit who did come to her aid. Luna was saved, but now has a corrupt Elemental Spirit attached to her. When this happened, she decided to distance herself from Eira, in order to protect her, which then left Eira on the streets, an orphan. . . another mistake that Luna now regrets. Though Eira eventually met Crystal Dawn, Grandmaster of the Wayfinder Society who took her in, Luna would never forgive herself. She doesn't even know if Eira will ever truly forgive her.   She has tried using her witchcraft to break this connection with this corrupt spirit, but met with disastrous results. Until Kuai made a peculiar observation. . . letting her know the spirit was in fact trying to help her and that she should stop fighting it. She did, and much to her surprise, Kuai was right. Now she has made this spirit her ally.

Mental characteristics


Calrune, Almahna
Reddish brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Primal Spirits
Known Languages
Common, Ancient Almahnan, Ancient Quatrican


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