
Human Heritages | Human Ancestry Feats

The humans of Terr'ahna first colonised Almahna from some unknown land early in recorded history, in the First Age. They stand 5 ft to 6 ft tall and weigh between 100 to 250 lbs. Their hair, eyes, and other physical features vary as much as their cultures. As for their skin-tone and bone structure, this varies depending on where in Terr'ahna they live. For example, white and blackskinned humans tend to live mostly in Atlantea, tanned humans tend to hail mostly from Almahna, pale-white skinned people live in the harsh, dark lands of Gothica, and oriental people hail from the Quatrica Islands. Their cultures spreads quickly and borrows heavily from all others. They are extremely inquisitive, trading ideas like most trade supplies, and adopting customs and terms from friends and foes alike. They are wildly ambitious, their culture making in-roads everywhere, sometimes through diplomacy, often through conquest. For all these reasons, their appearance, demeanour, society laws, religion, accumulated knowledge, and even languages may be completely different from those of other humans, even their neighbours.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are amongst the most wide ranging, diverse races in all the world.
HP: 8
SZ: Med
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: 2 free boosts
Languages: Common, additional languages equal to 1+ your INT modifier.
Traits: Human, Humanoid, Common
Scientific Name
homo sapien
70 to 90 years
Average Height
5" to 7"
Average Weight
150 to 250 lbs

Articles under Human


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