Human Heritages

Almahnan You hail from the hot and dry land of Almahna. Your skin ranges from black to brown colour, depending on where you came from, Northern or Southern Almahna. It's thought by many that your race are the oldest of all humans and were in fact the first humans ever to arrive. But no one knows for sure. You have adapted to living in some of the harshest conditions in the world, mostly in desert land, with very little water. All of the water in Northern Almahna in fact comes from the Nile River, which runs down from the northern coast, all the way to the foot of Mount Hellfire at the continent's centre. So Almahnans had to get creative, build aqueducts and other such devices in order to get that water to other parts of Northern Almahna. Southern Almahna is by comparison a lot greener and has lakes and ponds scattered through out, which are all in turn fed from the Nile River. In a way, the Nile River is the life blood of the entire continent.
You are rough and rugged. You get a +1 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saving throws. You treat environmental heat effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible heat becomes extreme, extreme heat becomes severe, and so on). Also, you become trained in one skill of your choice.   Quatrican The beautiful culture and peoples of the Quatrica Islands is one of the most diverse and curious of all the cultures in Terr'ahna. Your skin colour and bone structure is of an Asian or islander influence. Your culture has always been very welcoming and friendly. Most Quatricans are fishermen, providing for themselves and their families from the bounties of the seas and the islands. Many in the Quatrica Islands have a deep reverence for the land and the spirits of nature. Some have even revered various legendary Mystimon, such as Solord and Lunord, as deities, calling them the Guardians of the Islands.
Given your native culture's friendliness and hospitality, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on checks to Aid. Also when making a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression, treat successes as a critical success.   Gothican Very few live in the harsh wasteland of Gothica. And very few would even want to. The land is dead and harsh, covered in a perpetual cloud of dark smog. The air is polluted and stale, perhaps from the presence of the Gola, the most reviled race in all of the world. Those that do live in this land do so not by choice. It's hard to say when humans first arrived in Gothica, for no one really knows. What they do know is that the people who live there are living in constant terror of the Gola. They feel as though they are living under the very shadow of the Gola. It is thought that ages ago, the Gola went on a rampage through Atlantea and the Quatrica Islands, kidnapping humans and bringing them back to Gothica as slaves. There are stories and myths of such in both areas. You have very pale white skin, and a sort of sickly appearance, and are decrepit and depressed. However, despite your appearance, you have amazing fortitude, allowing you to survive in such harsh conditions.
It is also said that the humans they brought back to Gothica were used in horrific genetic experiments, creating the first Vroks. If that's the case, perhaps you owe your amazing fortitude to such experiments. You gain 2 additional HP from your ancestry, and gain low-light vision. However, you have a -1 circumstance penalty on Will saving throws.   Native Atlantean Red skinned tribal people, native to Atlantea, they have a very diverse culture, as diverse as the land itself. Atlantea covers a wide range of environments and climates, from deserts to forest, to mountains and rivers and lakes. The Native tribes have covered every inch of it. When white men migrated from Highwind in mid Second Age, for a time there was conflict between them, for they were two very different cultures, and it appeared to many Natives that the High Atlantean people were trying to steal their homes. However, over the years, the two very different cultures have learned to live together in peace, but even with the influence of the High Atlanteans, the red-skin Native Atlanteans have retained their unique culture. While some other humans pray and worship divine all-powerful deities, the Native Atlantean people instead honour the spirits of the land and sky itself, and in many ways seem similar to the cultures of the Quatrican people. They also honour the Mystimon with great reverence. While other cultures learned to capture, imprint, and control Mystimon, to the Native Atlanteans, Mystimon are not to be controlled by anyone. They hence scoff at this practice.
You are Trained in Nature. You retain your native culture, regardless of any other religion you might follow, and imprinting or commanding Mystimon in any way is anathema to your culture. You know the land better than most other people and gain a +1 to Survival checks you make to Track or Sense Direction.   High Atlantean Your people once crossed over an ice bridge that once connected Highwind with Atlantea during the Second Age, which long ago melted towards the end of the Second Age. You are white-skinned and diverse, and your people carried with them many cultural beliefs and practices, a lot of which were learned from the Vikarahn, and even some from Cowins. Many of your people also still cling to the long standing reverence of the Old Gods of Almahna, though they might have called them by different names over the years. This has led many scholars to conclude that humans first arrived in Almahna, and spread from there to the far corners of the world, changing and adapting to their environment along the way. Your people are very prideful, perhaps even to a fault. And this pride can manifest itself in a sort of pompous and egotistical view in some people, often in their reactions and behaviour toward other races, and even different human ethnicities, while others are against these notions, perhaps even vehemently.
High Atlantean people easily pick up different trades and master them. You gain Experienced Professional as a bonus feat, and when you use Lore to Earn Income, you get Fortune and may reroll the check if it was a failure. This may be used only once per check.


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