Crystal Dawn, Grandmaster of the Wayfinder Society

Grandmaster of the Wayfinder Society Crystal Dawn

Crystal, in her younger years, had many issues, which she has tried hard to work past over the years. When she was in the Academy, she made a ton of mistakes, which she regrets very much. At the time she would put up this front, acting dumb and quirky, in order to cover up her lack of self confidence. Every time she made a mistake, it would effect her on a deeply personal level.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender waist, large breasts.

Facial Features

Blue eyes

Apparel & Accessories

Long red and blue dress, black tights, and red boots.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Bisexual   She is currently in a relationship with Tannewyn. Before that, several years back she was in a relationship with a close friend of hers, Deanna.


She entered the Almahna Academy when she was 10. She took an early interest in alchemy, particularly in the crafting of bombs. She spent much of her free time in the alchemy lab at the Academy, and had a knack of "allegedly" blowing it up accidentally (something she still denies to this day). She graduated from the Academy at the beginning of 2735.


Today, she is the Grandmistress and Founder of The Wayfinders Society.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Crystal Dawn graduated from the Academy in 2735. At the time she felt it was the greatest achievement of her life. However, in 2741, she founded The Wayfinders Society. And today, the Society has spread across multiple countries, including not just Almahna where the headquarters stands, but also Olympus, the Quatrica Islands, Atlantea, while working on Highwind at this time.

Failures & Embarrassments

She is a bit of a clutz, and in the past, a troublemaker. Crystal, in her younger years, had many issues, which she has tried hard to work past over the years. When she was in the Academy, she made a ton of mistakes, which she regrets very much. At the time she would put up this front, acting dumb and quirky, in order to cover up her lack of self confidence. Every time she made a mistake, it would effect her on a deeply personal level, and felt a lot of guilt whenever her mistakes ended up hurting others. Many times she threatened to drop out of the Academy, but it was Kairine Kamuya who kept her going. To this day she has no idea what Kairine saw in her. But she is eternally grateful to her for taking a chance on her and being there for her when she needed it the most.   She has worked hard to overcome these issues over the years. One friend, she credits the most for helping her to overcome them, is now her boyfriend as well as her body guard, Tannewyn.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

She is clumsy, even today, and is very self-conscious about this.


Contacts & Relations

She is in a dating relationship with Tannewyn. She also raises Kuai Treewatcher, a young girl she met in the Quatrica Islands during her time there, who has come to be something of a little sister to her.

Hobbies & Pets

She has 3 Mystimon: Spuklar, Gigazard, and Magvor.
Element, Water
Current Location
Date of Birth
37th of Endora
Year of Birth
2716 3A 27 Years old
Sapphire Port
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with freckles
135 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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