Kairine Kamuya

Headmistress Kairine Kamuya

Kairine Kamuya, mother of Hyokune Kamuya, is not a mage like her son, but rather a Telepath. She has many abilities which are unique to Telepaths. She is one of the only Telepaths left in the world after the great Telepath Purge during Dark War III, over a thousand years ago.     As a child, Kairine was quite shy and withdrawn. Though over the years, she has grown, matured, and opened up a great deal more. She still, however, trusts very few people. The death of her sister, Izumi, in 2713 3A, has greatly affected her, but not nearly as much as her husband, David, leaving her to go to war with the Necro Spirits, in 2722 3A, sometime after Hyokune's birth, during an event known as the Rising Dusk. With David never having returned, she has come to fear the worst for him, and hence has closed off once again. To this day, she refuses to speak of David. And so Hyokune will never truly know who his father was.     Today, Kairine keeps most people at arms length, reluctant to get close to anyone ever again, after the loss of her sister and her husband. Furthermore, she has come to distrust the Council and the Maji Guard, after learning years ago during her childhood, that the Sechi Legion have infiltrated deep within the very government of the Allied Nations. She now has a very selective and close circle of friends, the only ones whom she will trust, including Grician Ragnara and her son, of course.     Together with this selective circle of ones she trusts, Kairine works secretively and from the seat as Headmistress of the Almahna Academy, to bring down the Sechi Legion's influence upon the Allied Nations government. Although, she will never truly reveal the real truth to Hyokune and Grician.     Though shy and untrusting, Kairine is driven and stubborn. Driven by her sister's sacrifice all those years ago. Driven by her experiences and adventures during her childhood. And especially driven to protect her son and the future of Terr'ahna from the Sechi Legion, the Golan Empire, and anyone else who may threaten their safety. It is through this determination, that she left Hyokune in a small town in Northwestern Atlantea in 2720 3A, in order to protect him from Evilon. A decision she has come to regret deeply.     A kind hearted soul of pure light and all that is good in the world, Kairine Kamuya's very presence touches all those who she has met through her life. She has greatly impacted the course of the world so profoundly, that the effects shall always be seen for many Ages to come. Although too late, Hyokune will come to realize this and this thus will drive him to continue what his mother started before he. Even without magic, she has effected the world with another kind of power, and arguably the greatest power of all...     The power of the heart.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a condition, called the Shakes, in which she has seizures. This is brought on by her psionic powers and is a common condition amongst Telepaths. Other than that, she is in general good health for her age.

Special abilities

Psionic powers, including telepathy, empathy, and various kinetic abilities.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Kairine is highly intelligent and educated. She earned her degree at the Almahna Academy.


She works as the Headmistress of the Almahna Academy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was elected as Headmistress of the Almahna Academy in 2725 3A.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her greatest shame is not doing enough to keep those she loves safe. The deaths of her husband and her sister have greatly affected her. She refuses to speak of them, in part, because she is ashamed.

Mental Trauma

An event that has greatly haunted her is the rise of the Necro Spirits. To this day, she can not figure out why they were so attracted to her, and their presence causes unusual headaches and fainting spells which she can not explain.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is highly intelligent. One unique ability she has, that is not related to her psionic powers, is her ability to calculate complex equations in her head in a matter of seconds.

Morality & Philosophy

The protection of life, especially that of her son and those closest to her, is something she holds as very important. This puts her in direct conflict with the The Sechi Legion , who worship the God of the Apocalypse, Verszagro.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated and driven to keep the world and those closest to her safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is very book-smart, as well as good with math.

Likes & Dislikes

She hates snakes with a passion. They terrify her.

Virtues & Personality perks

A virtue of hers is her strong character morality to protect life.


She is well-kept and hygienic. She even washes her hair more times than is necessary.


Hobbies & Pets

She has a pet Nyoko, which evo'ed from a Naeko that grew attached to her and to this day won't leave her side, which she named Carii.
Year of Birth
2694 3A 49 Years old
Quatrica Islands
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvan, Ahihanish, Kongoran, Drakan, Goblin, Golan, Quatrican, Saurian, Vikan.


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