The Shakes

A malady common amongst telepaths, very little is known about it, as very few telepaths remain today to really study. This illness, it appears, begins to set in for a telepath around the age of 40 to 50, and symptoms include seizures. These seizures are random and will occur at random intervals, and seems to worsen and become more frequent over time. It is currently unknown what exactly causes it. Arthur, a healer at the Almahna Academy, has created a potion with the help of Crystal Dawn, which has proven effective in controlling the illness, but it can't be cured entirely. From what little is known about it, it eventually leads to death.

Transmission & Vectors

It is a genetic trait of telepaths.


The cause is unknown. It begins to set in around the ages of 40 to 50.


Seizures, increasing in severity and frequency over time. Eventually leads to death.


A potion was created recently, called Tangle Spirit Elixir, which has proven effective in controlling the seizures, though the condition itself can not be cured.


The condition will eventually lead to death.

Affected Groups

Telepaths, people born with psionic abilities.


The first recorded report of the illness was in a telepath settlement in Southern Almahna. There, it seemed to evolve into an infectious disease as it spread through out the settlement like a wildfire. Eventually they had to call in the Maji Guard for help. However, one man took desperate measures, calling upon the assistance of malevolent forces. By the time the Maji Guard arrived, the settlement was overtaken with undead. It is currently unknown how this illness evolved this way, and it has never done so again. The illness today remains a genetic disease.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare


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