Foxhollow Ranch

An old ranch that was run down and abandoned when the investigators of the Hidden Archives came to live here. But the investigators soon learned it wasn't entirely abandoned, and they weren't entirely alone at all. . .   The ranch is a massive 502 acres of grassy plains and mountainous terrain, with some small forests here and there. It sits within a region nestled within the mountain ranges and peaks of Mount Hellfire, known to the Zulamban people as the Wyutin Basin, which means in Zulamban tongue, roughly, 'land of the strange lights'. And indeed, the investigators living here have experienced strange lights, both in the sky and on the ground, which they can't find any logical explanation for.    Soon after the investigators came to live here, a herd of roaming bull-like Mystimon with massive horns, known as Bitaur arrived, grazing upon the green grassy plains. To this day, they're still here, and some of the investigators have taken to them, tending to their needs. But one strange day last year, one of the Bitaur died under mysterious circumstances, mutilated. The investigators moved the carcass to another area of the ranch away from the rest of the herd and. . . to this day, that carcass is still there, the skin dried out like leather, and the flesh just mummified or rotted away in the Almahnan heat. Strangely, not a single insect or wild animal has even gone near it.   Other strange happenings on the ranch include mysterious creatures that seem to appear out of nowhere and then disappear without a trace, not even leaving behind any tracks, as though they were never even there.   The Hidden Archives have since set up camera devices, invented by their Goblurin companions, Don Grox and Nujit, in various locations around the ranch, capturing all of the strange activity.   In another area of the ranch, the investigators found the ruins of a small one story house. But it would appear there is no where safe on this ranch from the strange activity, for they encountered strange energy spikes which appear to have a peculiar effect on living creatures in the area, causing dizziness, headaches, nausea, and light-headedness. There is also a hole covered up by a large stone disc which seems to lead into a void of nothingness.   In the main house of the ranch, a large multi story manor at the base of Mount Hellfire, the investigators encountered a malevolent dark spirit which they managed to exorcise, but not entirely defeat. Afterward, the cleric, Bifrost  set up wards and enchantments to protect them and keep out the dark spirit. However, a friendly spirit has remained.   Earlier in 2743, the investigators were also joined by a ghost Mystimon, a small glowing orb known as Ghostar. However, there's something peculiar about this one. This one leaves messages for the investigators, either written in dirt or sand, or in the form of illusionary characters it brings to life from books. Does this Ghostar have a story of its own?   This is all just some of the strange activity and happenings that have occurred on Foxhollow Ranch, and it is certainly not the last.
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