Session 7-3: Suicidal Cleric

General Summary

After waking up and praying that another murder didn't happen, I ate with everyone, like usual. The mayor, Abel Thornton and Crystal Dawn, Grandmaster of the Wayfinder Society talked to us about the murders. Mr. Thornton decided it was best that we investigated the murders because nobody would recognize us and as such, it would be easier to keep a low profile. He mentioned being rewarded for the trouble, which to be frank, is just something extra for me. Knowing Joe, I could even get him behind it by explaining that it would be good publicity, would would give the circus, and in turn, him, money. Joe showed Crystal that weird symbol on the backpack he found by the lake. She explained that it's associated with one of the Ancient Ones, mysterious beings that were there before the gods themselves who are responsible for the Undead Kings, evil liches that have rained terror upon the world. They need to be purged with holy flames, from what I can tell from my research on them.   Anyway, soon after the mayor and Crystal left. The Professor explained several weird occurrences: An old woman that was attacked by an Abyson, canine Mystimon, in the middle of the street, unusual behavior for Abyson and Muggers, a gang in Rakshar that hangout in a street called Mug have been more bold. The Church of Nivyn also has smell of rotting flesh in it. Infestation of Inferants, small fire ants, in the Hawfton Mill, which is even more suspect because it was marked on the map that Joe found inside the backpack. Lastly, there rumors of an old couple’s daughter who fell in a bad crowd and is missing, which I personally promised to help.   Joe, Rune, Maiq, Kuai Treewatcher, and I decided to investigate the Mill first due to its' time sensitivity. The door to the Mill was bolted shut, however Joe managed to rip the door open. Once we open the door, we were greeted with an open path and a garden. However there was a massive Inferant, fire ant, hive. Luckily we managed to destroy the swarm of ants there. Maiq stayed with Kuai and I in the garden while Rune and Joe go to the living room. I'm unsure what happened next. Just that were was commotion and then silence.   Soon, there was venomous spiders, called Reclusid. We managed to beat them off, but Maiq and I sustained wounds. I healed him. However J̴̳o̸̳e̸̳ p̸̳r̴̳e̵̳v̸̳e̴̳n̴̳t̸̳e̵̳d̴̳ m̴̳y̴̳ f̵̳r̴̳e̸̳e̵̳d̴̳o̴̳m̸̳ f̴̳r̸̳o̸̳m̴̳ t̸̳h̵̳i̴̳s̸̳ p̸̳l̵̳a̵̳n̵̳e̸̳.̴̳. I don't know what came over me. I clearly thought that I enjoyed life enough and needed to end it all. I don't know why. I just needed to. It didn't matter why I did. The fact of the matter is that I had this compulsion which I had acted upon. I betrayed Maryve for trying to forsake the life she's given me!   Perhaps it was all an accident. I had gotten bite during the fight. There had been 2 murders in town. Joe's antics do tend to take their toll. Hugo doesn't help either. He's just as bad as Joe. Perhaps I was delirious because of everything combined. Maybe I couldn't think straight. All I know is that I cut an artery and it's a miracle that Joe was able to save me.

Rewards Granted

200 XP


Seirah Hawfton orchard owner and Kristi Johanna missing Mayor= Abel Thornton, hires party to investigate the murders Crystal recognizes the symbol as one of the Ancient Ones’ symbols which are associated with the Undead Kings, undead lich lords Crystal gives Kuai to the party The Professor gives us a report of strange sightings around Rahskar An old woman that was attacked by an Attican, caine Mystimon, in the middle of the street, unusual behavior Muggers= gang in Rakshar that hangout in a street called Mug The Church of Nieyen was strange, smell of rotting flesh Infestation of Infrance, small fire ants, in the Mill Rumors of an old couple’s daughter who fell in a bad crowd and is missing     Joe, Rune,Maqi, Jager and Kuai investigate the Mill The door is bolted shut, but Joe opens the door Massive ant hill in the middle of the chamber in the middle of the middle Single infrance dies The Swarm dies Rune and Joe finds Sarah’s living room Has burn marks on the walls Rune goes to the kids’ room Joe goes to the master bedroom Nothing of note is found in the vase There is a fallen wardrobe, which Joe lifts after a failed attempt Water sprite comes out from the room Joe kills it immediately Joe finds the family’s strongbox in the master bedroom, which has 100 silver, 14 gold worth of jewels, and a dancing scarf Maqi talks to Kuai in the garden Spider webs around the garden which recently appeared Joe, Rune, and Jager join Maqi and Kuai Reclusid spiders appear which the party fight They get killed Maqi falls unconscious Jager heals Maqi Jager heals himself, fails and falls unconscious Gets stabilized by Joe
Wayfinder: Convergence
Report Date
11 Apr 2020
Primary Location