
Rakshar was at one time just a simple farming village, just past the Dark Cavern passage through Mount Hellfire, in Southern Almahna. That is until this village was attacked by a swarm of Transquitoes, and a blood magic cult known as the Brothers of Blood. But the village was saved by a pair of brother adventurers, known to the villagers as Tannewyn and Fred, Gelvarans from Olympus. These brothers ended up sticking around when a ruin was accidentally uncovered by the bombs of one very pesky girl, Crystal Dawn.
This ruin, they in turn cleared out of all the wild Mystimon, and converted it into a home, a safe haven for themselves. They then eventually founded an organization known as the Tribunal. And this kick started the economy of this small village like never before, and what was once a small farming village, soon erupted into a small city.
The Tribunal put Rakshar on the map.


Mostly human.


The city elects a mayor, who servers as the city leader and runs the city government, in accordance to laws passed by the Fae'roh, for a period of 4 years.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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