Session 7-1: Murder at Rahskar Circus

General Summary

The once proud and beloved circus ringmaster, Thorin Goodbeard has been murdered in his own circus tent. There was a trace amount of magic detected on his corpse and had Dalamander, vipers from the Deep which aren't aggressive, bites all over his calves. There was a cut wound on his chest which was made after his death. We think that the Dalamanders were either controlled in some way or brought to Rahskar. Despite Goodbeard's murder and other setbacks, we managed to please the crowd. For example, Axel got stage fright and the Feather Fall Five's rope was sabotaged. Naijins chewed through them, which is unusual as well. It seems like they wanted the circus to fall apart. Elizah's Joganda also wasn't eating anything and wanted to just rest. Being stressed from Goodebeard's murder and having to deal with the show, I misdiagnosed it. I thought it had a hangover, however Joe corrected me, saying it had Goblin Pox. Highlights of the circus itself included a fire dance, a Cheetorex jumping over a pool of water and changing to its water form mid jump, the Feather Fall Five performing their tight rope walk without a safety net and Joe doing some rings tricks. There was some Cowins who were causing trouble for the circus during the Feather Fall Five's performance, getting on how on them dying. They wouldn't have regardless because I was on standby. Issac and Joe chased them out though. Joe even swore that he would hunt them down in the morning.   Anyway, Joe and Issac chased them out of there. Joe even threatened to hunt them down in the morning. We'll see what comes of that because Joe is more bark and less bite. Once you learn that about him, his antics become a lot easier to mange. Speaking of his antics, he accused Elizah and Issac of murdering Goodbeard as we discovered more evidence. I wonder if he really believes it himself. He also stole some gold from Goodbeard's strongbox as well. Personally, I think that's a little questionable but everything about Joe is a little questionable. Where was I? Oh yes. A Wayfinders Society member, Crystal lost her adopted sister, Kuai. We ended up finding her under under a wagon. I managed to convince her to come out from there by saying that we were here to help. It's quite possible that she witnessed Goodbeard's murder. Crystal has also explained to me, in private, that Kuai has a phobia of fire, which might be relevant to the murder. After the circus ended, Joe started looking for the mayor. But on the way, he manged to insult the police, which is very Joe of him, to say the least.

Rewards Granted

38 gold pieces for the circus 5 gold pieces for each person 2 small health potions total 170 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

The Professor awarded us for a good show

Character(s) interacted with

Elizah- snake performer Axel- performer with stage fright Mordaine- performer with the sharks Crystal- Wayfinder Society member and with Kuai Kuai - with Crystal and witnessed Thorin Goodebeard Feather Fall Five-Tight Rope walkers with sabotaged rope
Wayfinder: Convergence
Report Date
29 Mar 2020
Primary Location