
Yeglaw Heritages | Yeglaw Ancestry Feats

You are a humanoid bird-like being, known as the Yeglaw, hailing from the floating island of Celesteon, and the ancient enemy of the Dragla. Eons ago, your kind usurped the Dragla and exiled them from their and your ancestral home, conquering it. Very rarely are your kind ever seen on the surface world, as you have remained walled in on the floating island and kept to yourself. Whatever has brought you to making the trip down to the surface, you are looked upon with disdain, as the stigma of what your kind did to the Dragla sticks to you wherever you go.
Your body is a bit barrel-chested, given the muscle and bone structure required to power your sizable wings. But Despite this, your weight is easily about half that of a normal human of similar size, due to your hollow bones and lean frame. Also noticeable are your feet, being the talons of a bird. Shoes? You don't need no stinking shoes! Shoes are for those walkers!

Basic Information


Yeglaw are human-like, in that they stand up right, with bird-like features. Their arms are fully functioning wings. Their mouths are hard beaks. Some Yeglaw can't fly, but still retain the wing-like arm appendage.

Genetics and Reproduction

Yeglaw females lay eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are fully grown adults by the age of 15 to 20 years

Dietary Needs and Habits

Yeglaw really enjoy berries and seeds, while some seem to prefer fish.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Yeglaw are mainly native to the floating island, Celesteon, though some have ventured to the surface.

Average Intelligence

Yeglaw have human-like, or above human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Yeglaw have keen low-light vision.

Civilization and Culture


Ages ago, the Yeglaw once shared the floating island of Celesteon with the Dragla, supposedly peacefully, or at least as their forebearers have told the present day Yeglaw, as the stories go. It is said that the Dragla started a war with them for dominance of the island and the Yeglaw forebearers cast them out. However the Dragla dispute this and tell an all different story. Whatever the truth of the matter is, the Yeglaw and Dragla today are very antagonistic and hostile toward one another. Will anyone ever be able to bring peace back to these people?

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Yeglaw and Dragla are very antagonistic and hostile toward one another, on the brink of all out war.
HP: 6
SZ: Med
Spd: 25 feetĀ 
Boosts: Dex, Free
Flaws: None
Languages: Common, Yeglawni, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if positive).
Low-light Vision
Hollow Bones: You have Bludgeoning Weakness equal to half your level (rounded up).
Sharp Beak: With your sharp beak, you are never without a weapon. You have a beak unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your beak is in the brawling weapon group and has the finesse and unarmed traits.
Wings All Yeglaw possess powerful wings. While not all Yeglaw focus on honing their flying skills, especially on the surface, a strong flap of their wings allows Yeglaw to travel longer distances when jumping. When Leaping horizontally, you move an additional 5 feet. You don't automatically fail your checks to High Jump or Long Jump if you don't Stride at least 10 feet first. In addition, when you make a Long Jump, you can jump a distance up to 10 feet further than your Athletics check result, though still with the normal maximum of your speed. Traits: Rare, Humanoid, Yeglaw
Scientific Name
yeglawnian sapien
70 to 90 years
Average Height
4" to 5"
Average Weight
75 to 125 lbs
Average Physique
Yeglaw are very light, as they are built for flight, so don't have very big muscles except in the wings, enough to lift their own weight.

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