Yeglaw Heritages

Black Feather Yeglaw You are a raven. Your feathers are glossy jet black. And you can do more than just caw. You raise the act of mimicry to that of an art. You have a +2 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to Impersonate, and treat critical failures as a failure.   Carrion Feather Yeglaw You may not be pretty, but your kind isn't very picky. . . And "buzzard breath" isn't the worst nickname you've ever had. You win and you won't go hungry. You gain Scent as an Imprecise scent, and have a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against afflictions, against gaining the sickened condition, and to remove the sickened condition. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save affected by this bonus, you get a critical success instead. All these benefits apply only when the affliction or condition resulted from something you ingested.   Flightless Yeglaw You're not as lucky as your cousins are, soaring above it all. So you make your own luck. You gain 1 additional lore skill of your choice. Once per day, when you fail a skill check or saving throw, you can reroll that check, but you must use the new result, even if it's worse than your first roll. However, you lose your Flight speed.   Night Feather Yeglaw Your unnerving swiveling head and eerie staring eyes make sneaking up on you exceedingly hard. Wise, ever watchful, and silent. You gain darkvision and have a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks.   Raptor Feather Yeglaw You are a bird of prey. Only a fool wouldn't recognise you are lethality on the wing. You have a Talon attack which deals 1d6 piercing damage with the Grab Trait. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus with Intimidation checks to Demoralize.   Razor Feather Yeglaw  In addition to a beak, your mouth also features a number of vicious pointed teeth. Some legends claim your powerful jaws can even bite through steel. While you aren't that strong yet, your fangs still leave terrible wounds. Your Beak unarmed attack gains the deadly d8 trait.   Water Feather Yeglaw If you quack like a duck, walk like a duck. . . You live in the water, much like your cousins live in the air. You gain 20 feet Swimming speed and a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Swim.


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