
Vrok Heritages | Vrok Ancestry Feats

The Vroks were originally bred for war by Golan genetic engineers a thousand years ago during the great war. At the time, they knew only one thing: war. And they lived a life in slavery to the Gola for many years until the end of the war. After the war ended, many Vroks ended up leaving Gothica, to find and build a life for themselves elsewhere. It is unknown whether they escaped their enslavement to the Gola, or if the Empire actually let them go. All that is known is that there are a diverse number of Vrok villages and camps all across the world. But since many other peoples around the world still look up the Vroks with suspicion and fear, most tend to keep to themselves and stick to their own communities, choosing not to mingle with others, in order to avoid the suspicion. They don't want a conflict with others, in fact, which goes completely against the very nature they were bred into.   However, some Vroks still hold that urge for violence, outcasts from the communities, and travel the world searching for battle. Some have even taken to the high seas as pirates. This may be why that fear and suspicion still remains today. But many of these Vroks wonder, what else are they good for, if not for battle and war?   Most Vroks seem to have found that answer for themselves. Some are very proficient with sailing and building ships and even airships, even rivaling the abilities of the Vikarahn in their own right. Some have, quite surprisingly, found a love for art, creating some masterpieces that even museums in Almahna and Atlantea have put on display. So despite the fear, despite the suspicion, some people have found a way to connect with Vroks in these ways.

Basic Information


Vroks have green or other colour ting to their skin, tusks, pointy ears, and large muscles.

Ecology and Habitats

Vroks are mainly native to Gothica, as they were genetically created by the Gola hundreds of years ago.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vroks love meat. They are carnivores. They don't seem to like any sort of fruits or vegetables. This may be due to their natural habitat in Gothica. It may also be due to their genetic manipulation at the hands of the Gola.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Vroks are a war-faring people. They have a blood lust matched only by the Kongor. They love war. They thrive on it. When they are not on the front lines fighting some war for their masters, the Gola, they are fighting amongst their own tribes. They thrive on violence. As such, their social structure is largely based around how skilled one is as a warrior, how many enemies they have slain, etc.


Vroks were genetically created and manipulated by the Gola, and so they bow to them as gods. They believe the Gola are literal deities.

Facial characteristics

Vroks have tusks, blunt noses, and pointy ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primarily found in Gothica.

Average Intelligence

The Vrok's average intelligence is a bit lower than that of humans, possibly due to genetic manipulation at the hands of the Gola.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vroks have keen low-light vision.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They worship the Gola as gods, and have sworn their swords to them.
Also Known As Orc
HP: 10
SZ: Med
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Str, Free
Flaws: None
Dark Vision
Language: Common, Golan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if positive).
Traits: Uncommon, Orc, Humanoid
Scientific Name
Orconium sapien
30 to 50 years
Average Height
5" to 7"
Average Weight
250 to 350 lbs
Average Physique
Vroks have a large muscles. They are buff and muscular. They are constantly training. Or fighting amongst eachother.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green, beige, grey, and other colours. They often have tribal tattoos and other body markings.

Articles under Vrok


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