
Gola Heritages | Gola Ancestry Feats

During the middle of the Second Age, the Gola once waged a fierce and deadly war against the entirety of the rest of the world. Their goal was simple: the complete domination of the world and the elimination of all magic. But that war ended a thousand years ago with a cease fire treaty still in effect today. And so for a thousand years, no one outside Gothica has seen or heard from the Gola, only receiving the slight hint or tease that they're still around once in a while. Do they still wish for world domination and to eliminate all magic? No one really knows. Their very existence is still shrouded in shadow and mystery.   As no one has ever seen them in a thousand years, all anyone has to go on for a physical description is written account stories and reports from the Second Age, and even that can be unreliable. From what anyone can piece together from such accounts, they are huge hulking bipedal beasts, almost demonic in nature, clad entirely in metallic armour, with weapons and shields attached to their right forearm. However, this is for the male Gola. No one has ever seen the female Gola, even during the war.   Whether the Gola still hold the same ambitions and goals they once had a thousand years ago, or if that has changed in the intervening years, no one really wants to risk meeting one. And so the same fear that people had for them still holds today, even more so as the people of today have imagined all the worst and terrible things of a people not seen in a thousand years.   Have they changed? Do they still want the same things? Or perhaps now they are finally ready to make friends with the rest of the world, rather than war? Maybe you can be the one to prove to the world your people have truly changed. Let us just hope the rest of the world is ready for the answers to these questions.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

As far as anyone knows or is aware, Gola do not breed. At least not in the same was we might think of it. What we do know is that each new Gola appears to have all of the memories and knowledge of Gola that come before it, like some sort of genetic memory.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Gola dominate and control almost the entirety of the nation of Gothica.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Unknown. Do Gola even eat or drink?

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Social Structure

Unknown. Do they even socialize? Where's the fun in that?

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Unknown, though it appears to be incredibly high.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gola have keen darkvision. As well as other capabilities we may not even know of.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions


Beauty Ideals

Unknown. Do they even know what that is?

Gender Ideals


Courtship Ideals


Relationship Ideals


Average Technological Level

As far as anyone is aware, their technology level appears to be highly advanced. Some have even speculated that they have attained space travel!

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Unknown. The Golan language is highly advanced and extremely complex.

Common Etiquette Rules

We don't think they have this. Or care.

Common Dress Code

Gola are part machine and wear, for the most part, plate armour.

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals


Common Taboos



The Gola's history is largely unknown and, for the most part, consists entirely of myth and legend.

Historical Figures


Common Myths and Legends

There are many myths and legends about the Gola.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Unfriendly, at best. At worst, extremely hostile towards essentially all other people and nations in the world. There is a tenuous peace treaty that has been in place since late in the 2nd Age, but how long that will hold, is anyone's guess.
HP: 10
SZ: Large
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Con, Int, Free
Flaws: Dex
Languages: Common, Golan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Anti-Magic Aura: You can never be the target of spells and whenever an area spell would affect you, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any saving throws to resist those spells. When you roll a success to resist a magical effect, treat it as a critical success instead.
Traits: Gola, Construct, Rare
Scientific Name
golan dominatus
500 to 600 years
Average Height
7" to 8"
Average Weight
500 to 1,000 lbs
Average Physique
They are bulky, machine like.

Articles under Gola


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