Gola Ancestry Feats

----Level 1----


Golan Construction Feat 1

You are part construct, and have made several augmentations to your body. You may take Ancestry Feats as though you are Automaton as well as Gola.  

Golan Lore Feat 1

The traditions and post knowledge of those who came before you have been passed down to you. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Intimidation and Crafting. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Golan Lore.  

Weapon Construction Feat 1

You and your kin have all kinds of armaments attached to you bodies, making you fearsome enemies. The scary thing is you can replace these attachments at any time at will. Select a weapon from your inventory. Spend 10 minutes attaching this weapon to a free hand. You are always considered to have this weapon readied. Further, any attempts to Disarm you receive a -4 circumstance penalty. You may replace or remove this Attachment at anytime, spending 10 minutes each time.  

Shield Construction Feat 1

Some Gola are more defensively built. Select a shield from your inventory. Spend 10 minutes attaching this shield to a free hand. You are always considered to have this shield readied. Further, any attempts to Disarm you receive a -4 circumstance penalty. You may replace or remove this Attachment at anytime, spending 10 minutes each time.  

Intimidating Aura [F] Feat 1

Your reputation precedes you. An aura of fear permeates your very soul, if you have one. When you enter Encounter Mode, when you roll Initiative, foes must attempt a Will saving throw against your Intimidation DC. With failure they are Frightened 1, and with a critical failure they are Frightened 2.  

Golan Weapon Familiarity Feat 1

You are adaptable, and able to quickly learn to use any weapon you may pick up. Choose 2 weapon types. You gain the Trained proficiency rank in those weapon types. You also gain access to all uncommon Gola weapons. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial Gola weapons are simple weapons, and advanced Gola weapons are martial weapons.  

-----Level 5-----


Golan Weapon Carnage Feat 5

Prerequisites: Golan Weapon Familiarity
You've adapted the brutal techniques passed down to you by your ancestors. Whenever you critically hit with a chosen weapon type from Golan Weapon Familiarity or a Gola weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.  

Golan Armor Feat 5

You gain a Golan force field that allows you to withstand more punishment than most before going down. Damage you take is reduced by your Constitution Modifier.  

-----Level 9-----


Void Beam [2] Feat 9

Gola, Concentration
Targets: 1 creature
You unleash a beam of void energy, like the kind that permeates your native homeland of Gothica, in a 30 foot line. A targeted creature makes a basic Reflex save against your Spell DC using your Constitution Modifier. With failure, they take 2d8 negative damage.  

Stoutness Feat 9

You have learned to plant your feet and become like a solid wall. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Shove or Trip you.  

-----Level 13-----


Golan Weapon Expertise Feat 13

Prequisites: Golan Weapon Familiarity
Your Golan affinity blends with your ancestral memory and training, granting you great skill with Golan weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency for the chosen weapon types from Golan Weapon Familiarity and all Golan weapons in which you are trained.


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