Vrok Ancestry Feats

Vrok Core Ancestry Feats

-----Level 1-----


Beast Tamer Feat 1

You are especially good at training animals. You gain Train Animal skill feat even if you don't meet the prerequisites, and have a +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks to Command an Animal.  

Painted Mark Feat 1

You decorate your body through an elaborate ritual by paining the colours of your tribe. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy or Intimidation checks when dealing with those who have Vrok or Goblurin traits.  

Vrok Lore Feat 1

You've studied under shamans and warriors, under the iron grip rule of the Golan Empire. You gain the Trained proficiency rank in Intimidation and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of thse skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You are also trained in Vrok Lore.  

Vrok Weapon Familiarity Feat 1

You have keenly studied the art of warfare under your masters in your tribes, or perhaps you even learned directly from the Gola masters themselves. Perhaps the Gola have taken a special interest in your studies. You are trained in morningstars, sickles, bastard swords, battle axes, crossbows, and shortbows. You also gain access to all uncommon Vrok weapons. For the purpose of determining you proficiency, martial Vrok weapons are simple weapons, and advanced Vrok weapons are martial weapons.  

Fearsome Presence Feat 1

While Vroks may not seem to be the most articulate of people, they can express threats non-verbally quite fine. When using the Intimidation skill, you do not receive a penalty for not speaking the same language as your target.  

Heavy Lifter Feat 1

Every Vrok must be strong to survive, and that strength has uses beyond fighting. Their large lumbering frames can take quite a burden. You are not encumbered unless you are carrying Bulk equal to 6+ your Strength modifier and you can carry a maximum of 12 + your Strength modifier.  

Keen Nose Feat 1

Vroks are not completely reliant on eyesight, and their keen porcine allow them to sniff out their enemies. They can smell your blood from miles away. When you Seek a Hidden creature within 60 feet of you, as long as it does not have its scent concealed, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your roll. If the creature is within 30 feet, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus instead.  

Vrok Ferocity [R] Feat 1

Frequency: Once per day
Trigger: You would be reduced to 0 HP but not immediately killed.
Fierceness in battle runs through your blood, and you refuse to fall from your injuries. You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 HP, and your Wounded condition increases by 1.  

Vrok Superstition [R] Feat 1

Concentrate, Vrok
Trigger: You attempt a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, before rolling.
You defend yourself against magic by relying on techniques derived from Vrok cultural superstitions. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw against the triggering spell or magical effect.  

-----Level 5-----


Vrok Weapon Carnage Feat 5

Prerequisites: Vrok Weapon Familiarity
You are attuned to the weapons of your ancestors, and are particularly deadly when using them. Whenever you critically hit using a Vrok weapon or one of the weapons listed in Vrok Weapon Familiarity, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.  

Longstrider Feat 5

Vroks are adept at moving both quickly and steadily. With a bit of practice, there is no escaping them. Your speed increases by 5 feet.  

Shamanistic Blessing Feat 5

Once in a moon, the spirits seem to favour a particular Vrok child who is blessed with some supernatural abilities. While the biggest, strongest Vroks rule, you are one of the specially blessed that are revered for their ability to communicate with the unseen. Choose one Cantrip from the Primal Tradition. You may cast this spell as an innate cantrip at will. Innate Cantrips are heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.  

Victorious Vigor [R] Feat 5

Trigger: You bring a foe to 0 HP
Your victories in battle fill you with pride and imbue you with the energy to fight a bit longer despite your wounds. You gain temporary HP equal to your Constitution Modifier until the end of your next turn.  

-----Level 9-----


Stoic Feat 9

You have learned to suppress the stronger emotions dwelling inside. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against an emotion effect. If you roll a success on saving throws against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.  

Sacred Tattoo Feat 9

Prerequisites: Painted Mark
You become well regarded throughout your tribe and have earned the right to engrave a Sacred Tattoo upon your body. Those listed in the Painted Mark feat will be more willing to parley with you if requested, even if they are hostile. When you attempt to Make and Impression to those listed, you treat a success as a critical success.  

Pervasive Superstition Feat 9

Prerequisites: Vrok Superstition
You steep yourself in superstition and practice ancient Vrok mental exercises for shrugging off the effects of magic. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells and magical effects at all times.  

-----Level 13-----


Vrok Weapon Expertise Feat 13

Prerequisites: Vrok Weapon Familiarity
Your Vrok affinity blends with your class training, granting you great skill with Vrok weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature granting you Expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency in morningstars, sickles, bastard swords, battle axes, crossbows, and shortbows, and all Vrok weapons in which you are trained.  

Incredible Ferocity Feat 13

Prerequisites: Vrok Ferocity
Given time to collect yourself after a near death scrape, you can rebuild your ferocity and withstand additional finishing blows. You can use your Vrok Ferocity with a frequency of once per hour, rather than once per day.


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