Quatrican Guardians

In the Quatrica Islands, the majority of people don't so much worship or pray to deities, as they pray to legendary or mythical Mystimon, the top of which being the ultimate Guardian or Destroyer, Optimuum, a mythical Mystimon thought to be immensely powerful. In the Islands, the culture tends to revolve around nature and life, and so people have tended to worship mythical Mystimon as it is believed that these powerful creatures are really the very essence of nature and life in the world. For example, Solord and Lunord, it is thought, control the tides as well as the cycle of day and night. Gale, a legendary bird Mystimon, is thought to literally control the winds. While scholars, largely, consider these creatures to be myths and nothing more, the Quatrican people have really taken to them in a spiritual sense.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members

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