
The Lord of Rage and Sins

Sirage is a legendary Mystimon, of the colour Darkness. It is said in legend to have been created by Sorn, the Lord of Nightmares, in a bid to corrupt the minds and hearts of mortals and foster more nightmares, in its war with Yain, the Lord of Dreams. But Sirage became too much for even the Lord of Nightmares to control, for it not only has the power to bring forth the darkness and anger and rage which exists in the hearts of all mortals, it would also feed on the sins of mortals. The more sins it fed upon, the more powerful it would become. And so Sorn came upon a difficult decision. Something had to be done about Sirage, about this monster it had created. It went to Yain with a proposition, for help in subduing Sirage and bring it under control. Sorn and Yain bregrudgingly had to work together in order to capture it. And then they sealed it away in a sub-plane near to the Abyss, both in Nightmare Chains and a Dream Cage. To this day, Sirage waits. And bides its time. Soon it will make its escape. And then it will bring ruin to both the Nightmare Realm and Dreamscape.

Divine Domains

Destruction, Might, Tyranny, Change, Sorrow, Darkness

Tenets of Faith

Edicts Fill your heart with rage and destroy your enemies; Reveal and destroy the sinful; Free Sirage from its prison; Destroy all thing Anathema Absolve yourself of your sins; Seek redemption; Find peace.   Areas of Concern Rage, Sins, Destruction, and Wrath

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Strength or Wisdom Divine Font: Harm
Divine Skill: Intimidation
Favoured Weapon: Greataxe   Cleric Spells: 2nd: Vicious Jealousy; 4th: Aura of Rage; 6th: Dominate; 8th: Devour Life


Boons & Curses

Minor Boon 
  Moderate Boon 
  Major Boon 
  Minor Curse 
  Moderate Curse 
  Major Curse 
Divine Classification
The Lord of Rage and Sins
Aligned Organization


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