Psiclone, Dragon Lord of Mind

Written by GMSeth

Quite often Psiclone is a pain in the neck for the Maji Guard, along with certain other Mystimon, for it is often used as an excuse for crimes committed. "It wasn't me, I swear, I was under the control of Psiclone!" But Psiclone is a timid creature who never controls minds. At least, not of the innocent. Some times it will control the mind of a guilty person, if only to coax that person into turning themselves in. For Psiclone, the mind is the most precious thing any living creature has. But Psiclone, like its twin, Psivarse, Dragon Lord of Souls, is quite timid and will never directly involve itself in any sort of violence. If it does control minds of others, it is only to protect itself.

Basic Information


A massive violet coloured wyvern dragon with fan-like spines running along its back, and azure-coloured eyes.

Ecology and Habitats

Psiclone prefers to stay in deep and dark caves, far away from the hustle and bustle of cities, with all those minds that are like a constant buzzing in its ears.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Psiclone is quite happy feeding on the small creatures that inhabit the deep dark caves where it makes its home.


Psiclone is a timid creature, fairly reserved and shy. It is thought that it is constant conflict with its twin sister, Psivarse. However this is false. In fact, Psiclone and Psivarse get along as well as siblings typically would. There is a little bit of a rivalry between them, but they get along quite well aside from that.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

It has a long and narrow snout filled with razor sharp teeth, and azure coloured eyes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Psiclone has mind control abilities, as well as the ability to read minds. Like its twin sister, Psivarse, it also has the ability to camouflage itself in a cloak of invisibility.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Psiclone has a twin sister, Psivarse.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Psiclone    As with all of the Dragon Lords, Psiclone is said to be an incarnation of nature itself and its wrath. Learn more The Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm.
Unknown, Psiclone along with all of the Dragon Lords is said to be an incarnation of the wrath of nature itself and so in theory never dies.
Conservation Status
As far as anyone knows, only one of each of the Dragon Lords exists.
Average Physique
A massive wyvern dragon
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Violet coloured scales.


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