Dragon Lord of Mind
Often a pain for the Maji Guard, Psiclone has often been used as an excuse for crimes commited, for perpetrators will just say they were under the control of Psiclone. But this shows a misunderstanding of the Dragon Lord of Mind, that only true believers really know the truth of. That is that Psiclone never controls minds, at least not of the innocent. For Psiclone, the mind is the most precious commodity any living creature has, and to protect it is paramount. However Psiclone also never directly involves itself in violence. It is a timid creature who will almost always hide behind others. It will sometimes control the minds of others, but only to protect itself. Psiclone is a massive violet coloured wyvern dragon with fan-like spines running along its back. It is said that it is constant conflict with its twin sister, Psivarse, the Dragon Lord of Soul, but this is in fact false. Psiclone and Psivarse get along about as well as siblings usually would.
Divine Domains
Mind, Knowledge, Delirium, Dreams, Protection
Tenets of Faith
Edicts Protect the minds of the innocent from intrusion, Seek knowledge, Bolster mind over might.
Anathema Control the minds of the innocent without permission, Let knowledge be destroyed
Anathema Control the minds of the innocent without permission, Let knowledge be destroyed
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: IntDivine Font: Heal or Harm
Divine Sanctification: None
Divine Skill: Society
Favoured Weapon: Bo Staff
Cleric Spells: 1st: Mindlink, 3rd: Mind Reading, 5th: Mind Probe, 7th: Warp Mind, 9th: Telepathic Demand
Boons & Curses
Minor BoonModerate Boon
Major Boon
Minor Curse
Moderate Curse
Major Curse
Divine Classification
Dragon Lord of Mind