The Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm

Five Dragons of Order, five of Chaos. Their war is one of the ages. Their war is one of the Gods. It is the Will of the Gods, these beasts shall fight. And it is the Will of the Gods that the world shall be cleansed in a blaze of fire and destruction, of floods and storms, as the very souls and minds of man are judged. But from their destruction, new life can emerge. From death, renewal and rebirth. The Dragons have re-awoken. Their war came to the Quatrica Islands. But they have not yet returned to their slumber. What meaning is there of this? Are the Gods really so displeased with us?   There are ten Dragon Lords, five of Ordered, and five of Chaotic. From all that we have been able to determine, the beasts are unique. One of a kind. And immensely powerful. In 2739 3A, their war even caused the death of the Great Guardian, Optimuum, as he tried valiantly to stop it and to save us from their rage. The five Chaotic Dragon Lords are: Flamdrone Dragon Lord of Flame, Electrone Dragon Lord of Storm, Frezlor Dragon Lord of Frost, Krosin Dragon Lord of Death, and Psyclone Dragon Lord of Mind.   The five Ordered Dragon Lords are: Holiclone Dragon Lord of Light, Waveform Dragon Lord of Water, Galiclone Dragon Lord of Wind, Gaias Dragon Lord of Earth, and Psyvarse Dragon Lord of Soul.   According to legend, the Chaotic Dragon Lords and the Ordered Dragon Lords hate eachother, giving a whole new meaning to "sibling rivalry". But with their power, their war rips the world apart. Even now, death and destruction spreads across the world as even after the big climax of their war in Maona in 2739 3A they have still not returned to their slumber. But why? This is a question that plagues scholars. Why have the Dragon Lords not returned to their slumber? Are the fanatics right? Is this really a message from the Gods? Why? Why do the Gods hate us so? Will these beasts ever return to their slumber, or are we all doomed? Do I ask too many questions? Do the Gods hate me?  
  • Varen Goldsmith, Scholar, Everglade Mystia College.
  • Summary

    In legend, there exists ten dragons. These creatures are said to be immensely powerful, with a burning rage and hatred for eachother. There are five Ordered Dragon Lords, and five Chaotic Dragon Lords, and their rivalry is one of titanic proportions. According to legend, when all ten of the Dragon Lords awaken, their war begins anew, and the consequences are suffered by all of the world. In the stories, their war has in the past ended with the mass destruction of everything across the world. This event is also known as the Cleansing Fire by hardcore believers in this legend. Throughout history, this legend has proven so pervasive that it has inspired entire cults and religions, such as the Order of the Cataclysm in recent years.

    Historical Basis

    The Dragon Lords are actual creatures, as has been evidenced by their recent reemergence back in 2734 3A. In 2738 3A, all of the Dragon Lords began converging on the Quatrica Islands, their war beginning with a fiery rage. This event also coincided with the emergence of a cult, the Order of the Cataclysm. This cult believed in the Cataclysm and that the Dragon Lords were deities sent to deliver Terr'ahna, and to cleanse it in holy fire. The Tribunal, however, stopped them and killed their leader Morpheus. From the evidence seen in recent years, it is pretty certain that this myth is all too real.


    The legend of the Dragon Lords is present in all cultures and mythologies across the world.

    Variations & Mutation

    This is one legend where all aspects of it have been proven to be fact in recent years, with the reemergence of the Dragon Lords, coinciding with the Wrath of the Dragon Lords in 2738 - 2739 3A.

    Cultural Reception

    In ancient times, there was an entire culture devoted to the Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm, in Southern Almahna, which also spread to Madas. The most common perception, especially in recent times, is one of fear.

    In Literature

    In Southern Almahna, there once existed a temple or monastery devoted to the Dragon Lords, in which there were murals depicting the great war of the Dragon Lords. Upon the ceiling, there was a mural depicting the fusions of the Dragon Lords, the Elemental Lords, Draclone and Dravane, and the world around them in a blaze of fire. In 2737 3A, this temple was destroyed.

    In Art

    There are tapestries and murals, as well as statues, dedicated to the Dragon Lords, as well as the Elemental Lords, all over the world.


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