Optimuum and the Omega Heart

According to legend, the Guardian Stones are pieces of a larger artefact, known as the Omega Heart, which is said to be the heart of Optimuum. As the legend goes, the heart was broken into four pieces and scattered across the world to protect them, and to ultimately protect Optimuum, the Guardian, for if all four pieces are ever brought back together, it could grant the bearer the power to control him.   Optimuum's heart was broken into four pieces in order to grant him the power to choose his own destiny, for giving that power to any one man is too great a cost. Thusly the Guardian was gifted Free Will.    Within Optimuum, there was a constant war between order and chaos, protector and destroyer. The Dragon Lords are a physical manifestation of the constant war within Optimuum. Ultrimately the fate of the world is in his hands. The Ancients saw this in the Cataclysms. They created Optimuum to stop the Cataclysm, but what if he were to decide the Cataclysm should be allowed to happen? The great irony in this, in granting the power of Free Will to a living creature also granted him the power to choose the fate of the world. But perhaps we all have that power. Perhaps that power rests within everyone with the gift of Free Will. Perhaps Optimuum is really a manifestation of us.


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