
Kongor Heritages | Kongor Ancestry Feats

A savage tribal ape-man species from the Quatrica Islands, particularly the island of Parooma, the Kongor have savaged and murdered Sabertooth for many centuries. They believe themselves to be the one true rulers of Parooma, and they have called for the total extinction of the Sabertooth as a result. Now, after the attack of the Dragon Lords of Storm and Wind, Electrone and Galiclone respectively, upon the island, forcing out many Sabertooth who have fled to places like Bra'iv, Calrune, and Evergreen City, the Kongor have taken up ownership of the island. Since then, they have begun hunting down the remaining Sabertooth clans which have now gone into hiding all around Parooma, and they will not stop until all have been eliminated.
The Kongor practice brutal and bloody rituals, such as the sacrifice of animals and people, as well as eating hearts, all in the name of their gruesome god. They believe that by eating the heart of their kills, they will be granted the strength of that individual, and by making sacrifices, they are appeasing their god's wishes.
They don't often leave the confines of Parooma, as they are very xenophobic and racist, but when they do, being warriors themselves, they will bind themselves to anyone they feel are worthy of their strength. They judge this worthiness merely on strength of spirit and true warriors. And when they find you not worthy. . . you might just find yourself their next sacrifice.

Basic Information


Kongor are great apes with the intelligence and technology level of primitive humans, but a kind of savagery not often seen elsewhere in the world. Though there are other Kongor sub-races, such as the Spider Kongor, that are more chimpanzee-like in appearance, except they have four arms. The Squirrel Kongor are small and are able to glide from branch to branch.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kongor reproduce much like great apes do.

Ecology and Habitats

Kongor are mainly native to the island of Parooma, the eastern most island in the Quatrica Islands, and thus are mostly adapted to a tropical or warmer environment. However, some have ventured out from Parooma and have proven adept at adapting to other climates and habitats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kongor are savages, and from what we known, they do indulge in cannibalism, as well as the consumption of other people who might stumble upon Parooma. All of this, they do in the name of their savage gods. Other than that, they have also been observed foraging and eating berries and other such fruits, whatever they can find on their island.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kongor have a very primitive, savage social structure. They live mostly in tribes all across the island, with one tribal colony, along the eastern coast, that controls all of the others. Each tribe have their own chief, who all answer to the head chief in the larger colony. Males are, for the large part, in control of all of the tribes, with females seen as little more as prizes. Some of the stronger males will take multiple wives. A male's position in a tribe is dependent on how strong they are as a warrior. For the large part, the tribes all get along, though there have been cases of infighting between them.

Facial characteristics

Similar to great apes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly native to Parooma in the Quatrica Islands. Few have rarely ventured out from there, though it does happen.

Average Intelligence

Similar to primitive humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kongor have keen low-light vision.

Civilization and Culture


Kongor have traditionally been very xenophobic and keep to themselves. But they have not always been alone in Parooma. At one time, they once shared the island with the Sabertooth, though never peacefully. While the Sabertooth have always been a peaceful people, the Kongor have always had a strong disdain for their neighbours. One day, a couple of years ago, when a hurricane came barreling toward the island, the Kongor took this as a sign from their savage gods that their time had come at last, and set out on a campaign of blood and violence. A campaign to wipe out every last cat and to conquer the island. The Sabertooth were rescued and evacuated by the Maji Guard, but lives were lost in the evacuation. Many prisoners were taken, and then sacrificed to the Savage Gods of the Kongor.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hostile, at best. Especially towards the Sabertooth.
HP: 8
SZ: Med
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Str, Wis, Free
Flaws: Cha
Languages: Common, Kongorish, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Low-light Vision
Traits: Kongor, Humanoid, Uncommon
Scientific Name
Kongorian Sapien
60 to 80 years
Average Height
5" to 6"
Average Weight
250 to 500 lbs
Average Physique
Most Kongor are bulky and muscular. The majority of their weight is muscles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mostly brown or black hair colour. Some are white or silver.

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