Kongor Heritages

Albino Kongor Most Kongor are reddish brown to brown in colour. But you are a rarity amongst your kind, being closer to white or silver in colour, and your blood lust and savagery are unmatched. Most are afraid to even be near you, even other Kongor. You gain a Fist attack which deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and when an adjacent enemy attacks and misses you, they suffer 1 bludgeoning damage. However, your blood lust knows no bounds and when you attack a creature, you become Fascinated with that creature. This condition does not end until that creature is dead or unconscious.   Orang Kongor You are the witch doctors of the Kongor. You are the wisest of your kind and are said to have an intimate connection with your savage god, Organta. You are trained in a Lore skill of your choice. However, you are not as strong as others of your kind, and suffer a -2 circumstance penalty with Strength based skill checks. You also gain an Action:  
-> Encourage [1]
You boost up the morale of your allies, granting them a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws.
Spider Kongor You are smaller and more agile than others of your kind. You're often seen as an annoyance as you use these benefits to your advantage. Others see you as grotesque for your four arms and long tail. You have four arms instead of just two and reduce the number of free hands required to Climb or Trip by one. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks. However, your size is Small instead of Medium.   Squalling Kongor You are the most common of your kind. You have reddish brown to brown hair. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks to Demoralize, and you stand your ground against any attack. If any effect would force you to move 10 feet or more, you are moved only half the distance.   Squirrel Kongor You are the smallest of the Kongor, but your mischievous nature knows no bounds. If Spider Kongor are seen as an annoyance, you are down right a nuisance. But you like it that way. You also have an ability no other Kongor have: you can fly. Or at least glide short distances. Your size is Tiny and can glide up to 20 feet. You are also better with magic than any other Kongor, and gain a +2 circumstance bonus with Arcana checks and gain 1 additional Mystia.


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