Electrone, Dragon Lord of Storms
The Dragon Lord of Storms, Electrone is a wyvern dragon of immense size who rules the skies. Lightning and thunder storms are often attributed to this beast, and when those storms turn into hurricanes or other such storms, it is thought that Electrone is battling with Galiclone once again for sky dominance, which it so often does. Its rivalry with Galiclone is legendary, almost like Frezlor and Flamdrone, and the increasing number of hurricanes and typhoons over recent years has drawn increased concern that their war is heating up.
Basic Information
Electrone is a massive dark-blue scaled wyvern dragon with sharp lighting-bolt shaped spikes along its back and bright blue eyes.
Genetics and Reproduction
As far anyone knows, there is only one Electrone.
Ecology and Habitats
Electrone spends much of its time around the seas, and rarely goes too far inland.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Electrone spends alot of its time around the seas, so it is thought that it feeds on fish and other seafood.
Biological Cycle
Every so often, as with any of the Dragon Lords, Electrone is said to go into hibernation, awakening after hundreds of years to begin its war with Galiclone once more. No one knows the reasoning behind this. But what is known is typically in the past, the Dragon Lords would return to hibernation after the Cataclysm, which is said in legend to be an all out war of all of the Dragon Lords. The Cataclysm has already happened, in Maona, the Quatrica Islands, a few years ago. Electrone, along with the other Dragon Lords have yet to return to hibernation.
Rash and temperamental, but seems to often try to avoid a fight.
Additional Information
Facial characteristics
Bright blue eyes, long snout with sharp ridges along its eyebrows and nostrils.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Electrone emits electricity all across its body and is able to create rain and lightning storms at will. Its dragon breath emits a blast of electricity.
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms
Aeriors and their Evos are known to float around Electrone. It is thought that feed on the fish scraps that it doesn't eat as well as use him for protection from other predators.
Civilization and Culture
Common Myths and Legends
According to legend, the Dragon Lords are all incarnations of nature itself and its wrath. Learn more The Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm .
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
Electrone has a legendary war and rivalry with Galiclone, Dragon Lord of Wind and has frequently come into conflict with it, creating hurricanes and typhoons through their combined powers.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Unknown, The Dragon Lords are said in myth and legend to be an incarnation of the wrath of nature, and so theoretically they never die.
Average Physique
Massive wyvern dragon.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark-blue scaled