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Jack Crawford

Migrant , Human

Racial Keyword

Asset - Nanite Relocation

Through the use of nanite relocation, Jack can harden the skin on certain areas of his body to further enhance his resilience to physical trauma and boost his already impressive strength to superhuman levels by increasing the density in his muscle mass, giving the hardened parts a black metallic sheen. This method even prevents him from bleeding out by hardening up the injured area. Jack can also use his nanite relocation ability to heal all damage done to his physiology and even fully reattach severed body parts.

Mutation - Charged Nanites

This mutation allows Jack to freely manipulate the charge that flows through the nanites within his nano-tech primed body. The charge from the charged nanites in him can be redirected and be used to either expend destructive amounts of electrical energy, or be redirected into a more supportive ability, by applying the charged nanites into machinery or allies to heal them.

Asset - L.E.D. Industries

L.E.D. Industries is the Nano-Tech company that Jack is CEO of. He uses every asset he can in order to both physically and mentally out-perform his business rivals. He uses his Research and Development department for his personal gain to enhance his nano-modifications, and distributes common nano-modifications to whoever bids the most.

I'm making the mother of all omelettes here.. Can't fret over every egg.

Created by



Gamma Haven
