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Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


A quick and easy sheet for those wishing to make characters for Gamma Haven. created by Oneriwien
ID Name Tags
Hivemaster Ophiocordyceps Multilateralis
Qal Va'
Benjamin Good
Kuryama Outsider hitman nomad
Seamstress Moirai
Jack Crawford
Hunter-Primarch Dhemit Marque assassin evil kolidian
Jason Montgomery outsider
Selena Rend
Sasha Petrov
X1 revolutionary environmentalist not from around here
Jace Beleren
Korroziya Toksichnyy Kolidian That1guy2005 Scientist Mutant Korroziya Toksichnyy Korroziya Toksichnyy
Styx St.John android
Ivan Baccara
Louis Angenon
Matzen Mehr migrant mercenary jedi
Jon 'Sage' Quill
Tahlia "Eponi" Atu
Cervantes D. Ageha
Venryusai Ali of Ali's World
Marshal Mesa
Legion Hive Mind Nightskin Rogue Legion
Aika Suu-tai-mie II
Samuel Maximus
Zdravko Mas
Hannah-Faith Yates wandering warrior hero migrant outsider
Kooth Gamma
Jacob Bastian Heroic revolutionary
Yatagan android dorrinthian stealth
R-Type X
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit Energy Being Nihilo Rhaelagarian Meditative Cult Bose–Einstein Condensate Body
Arch-Bionic Saejinar
Min Grei
Witchdoktor shaman healer old wise herbalism herb herbs rituals
Malross Ingram
Vernali Connell Detective mystical
Rowan Kelly Kelly Father Rowan Bartender
Klaus Huron Cyborg corporate killer armed augmented apathic
Last test2
Vran Duke