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Zdravko Mas

Dulaman, but Barely , Dulaman

Racial Keyword

Living Tank (Mutation)

Drav's mutations are of a simple and brutal nature. He's massively tough, strong, and has thick scaled skin. What he lacks in finesse and style in his fighting he makes up for in sheer strength and durability.   Extensive damage to his acid gland has rendered Drav's acidic vomit highly unstable, but it's still very much present

Criminal Kingpin (Asset)

Drav has spent a great deal of time forging his empire in Haven's underworld. He controls a wide array of gangs, and while their loyalties may be questionable at best, they're brutal effective at implementing his will

Martial Master (Skill)

While not well-trained in them, Drav is proficient in almost any weapon put in his hands. He's not a fan of firearms, but can use them in a pinch. Most of his skill is focused in the art of stabbing or beating people to death

"I'm the Lizard King"

Created by



Gamma Haven
