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Arch-Bionic Saejinar

Rhaelagarian , Cyquadrian

Racial Keyword

The Techian Legion (Asset)

Saejinar is at the head of the Techian Legion, a private military of his and cult of sorts dedicated to bionic modification in order to become stronger. These men are loyal to Saejinar and he can call on them whenever he wishes.

Technological Adept (Skill)

Saejinar is a genius when it comes to technology. He knows how to access and operate almost any modern computer or device and can build one easily as well.

Lightning Fast Reactions (Skill)

Due to the computer implanted into Saejinar’s head, he can now process information twice as fast as a normal G-Type and can react to his environment twice as fast as well. For example, it is possible for him to dodge a bullet with the right timing or the blows of a certain Rhaelagarian king.

“Without strength, men are but leaves in the wind.”

Created by



Gamma Haven
