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Nightskin: Common , Rogue

Racial Keyword

Metamorphosis (Mutation)

Metamorphosis cannot be controlled by others unless it affects the original Nightskin. A Compromised Nightskin results to immediate termination by deletion of DNA. Metamorphosis is unlimited and instantaneous to the original Nightskin leader but limited to the clones unless a rogue was created. To prolong the survival and evolution of Nightskins, a rogue is born near the end of the lifespan of the original which takes over the populace as a leader to guide the next generation of nightskins and pass on the memories of their ancestors. Evolution would generally take place as well according to the next clone lines and the surrounding environment. Therefore, Nightskins can also replicate themselves by merging DNA to create clones with animalistic abilities from behemoth like creatures to smaller lifeforms.

Cortek (Asset)

Cortek is a data analysis company run by the original Nightskin, and built by the clones after the first mutation and the creation of the Cortek chipset processing unit. The processing unit is widely used still and is a major part of technology today, powering the basic needs of the citizens of Haven.

Statistical Combat

Being skilled in data analytics, the Nightskins fighting style replicates one of statistical measures holding numbers and percentages heavily over the success and outcome of an event. The Nightskin know the exact statistical chance of winning a fight before the fight happens as well as how it will be done having the ability to simulate exactly how it plays out.

Strength in unity, unity in strength.

Created by



Gamma Haven
