Xulgoth Alduin

Xulgoth Alduin (a.k.a. Other names include: Xenomancer and Flarius. Any other aliases he's taken over the years are currently unknown.)

A madman, psychopath, crazy, insane. . . Xulgoth has been called many things. Sane is certainly not one of them. He has also taken many guises and personas over the years. His latest is of a circus ringleader, carrying a swordcane and wearing a top hat. But one thing has remained a constant: his searing hatred of all non-human races. Well two things, including his murderous tendencies. He is a serial killer, and has killed many people over the years, and will likely kill again. And again, and again, until he is stopped once and for all.   Some believe him to be the leader of a cult of the Ancient Ones known as the Scions of the Void. But he doesn't see himself as such. Instead, he dwells and lives on chaos. He is a very chaotic individual and his actions over the years have shown that. No one can truly figure out what his plans or motives truly are, or whether he really has any at all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ioseff Alduin was Xulgoth's grandfather. When he murdered his family, his daughter, Mira, survived the massacre and was rescued by a kind stranger, who brought her to Calrune. She would go on to spend the next 15 years there before she would eventually marry and move back to Agroba, with the intention that she would clean away the stains of her family's troubled past. However, as much as she tried to clean the manor up, the curse remained, and the influence of her father's spirit remained. She had two children with her husband, a human named Yorseth. Their son, Xulgoth, and their daughter, Areth. But over time, the influence of her father's spirit wore down Yorseth's spirit, and he became angry. He took out his anger on Mira, often after drinking heavily he would blow up on her and beat her.   One fateful night, when Yorseth was away in Calrune, a Vrok raiding party landed in Agroba. Soon they stormed the manor, killed all of the servents. Then they gang raped Mira. Thankfully she had the foresight to hide the children in the secret room at B16, which protected them. But she could not stop them from watching through the peephole.   When they had finished, they left her, bruised and beaten and broken. When Yorseth returned, however, he blamed her for what had happened and this erupted in a huge argument in which he ended up killing her by slicing open her head, much like Ioseff did, and then would kill himself by slicing his wrists.   However, Xulgoth would tell the story differently. As he would tell it, the Vroks murdered his mother, father, and sister. This is a false narrative that he has convinced himself of, and is the root of his xenophobia and racism. He even believes, falsely, that his sister is dead. However she survived, like him, though she moved away and changed her name many years ago. In truth she has buried the memories of her family and doesn't remember herself, while Xulgoth could never move on from those events. Today, she goes by the name Marice Dawn, she is living in Emerald Port, and she has one daughter, Crystal.
Current Location
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Current Status
On a mission to find the Black Aegis
Dark blue
Raven black, short cropped.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
168 lbs
The Ancient Ones
Aligned Organization
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