Wekan Heritages

Midnight Whistler You own the night. The darkness is your friend, your ally. You hunt only at night. Your kind have stalked the woods at night for generations, since you first emerged from the Kuan-Di Caves millennia ago. You have a distinctive whistling cry for which you are named. In reality, it is merely another dialect of your native Wekani tongue. Your hair is jet black and your eyes are a strange green colour. You gain Darkvision and have a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks.   Fire Ape You are obsessed with fire. Whenever you see it, something about it draws you to it. It is said in your Wekani myths that humans once stole fire from you ages ago. But you have no idea if that is true or not. All you know is that you must stare into the fire. It calls to you. Your hair is fiery red and orange. You gain fire resistance equal to half your level (rounded up). When you suffer persistent fire damage, your flat check DC to recover from it is reduced by 5.   Sasquatch You are one with the woods. You have called forests your home for as long as you can remember. Your hair is more of a dark or light brown, and you have trained yourself to disappear into the woods, preferring to avoid the gaze of man as much as possible. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth as long as you are in the forest, and when you Cover your Tracks, you move at your full speed and the DC to track you increases by 2.   Skunk Ape You are of the swamp. You even smell like it. Your hair is much longer and more of a dark brown to black colour, and you have four arms instead of just two like your cousins. You have Scent as an Imprecise sense. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track. But your smell tends to repel others and creatures adjacent to you must make a Fortitude save versus your Fortitude DC or become Sickened.   Yetan You are a nomad of the mountains of Arctica, the north polar continent. You are used to living in harsh, wintry cold conditions. You have white or silvery hair and are known for being more reclusive than other Wekan. You gain cold resistance equal to half your level (rounded up). Also when making a Survival check to Forage for food in mountain or arctic environments, you get a +2 circumstance bonus and treat a success as a critical success.   Ash Devil You have lived amongst the dark forests of Atlantea for ages. Many humans avoid the forests you call home. They fear you. And frankly you prefer it that way. You have silvery hair with black stripes, and your eyes glow a deep red. It is said that when anyone looks you directly in the eye, you control their mind. You are trained in Occultism. You also gain an action:  
-> Mind Control [1]
You look your enemy directly in the eyes and take control of their mind. The target creature makes a Will save against your Occultism DC.
Critical Success: Target creature is immune to your Mind Control for 1 day.
Success: Target creature is Confused.
Failure: Target creature is Controlled.
Water Stalker You are more at home in the water. In fact you spend the majority of your time in the water. Your hair is short and jet black. You often use seaweed or other water based vegetation as camoflauge. You gain 25 foot Swimming speed, and when you make an Athletics check to Swim, treat a Success as a Critical Success.


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