
Wekan Heritages | Wekan Ancestry Feats

You are a native of the freezing cold polar land of Arctica. You tend to keep to yourself and don't really associate with the outside world. Being a native of such a harsh land as Arctica, you also are a nomad. You never stay in one place for long, and you use your knowledge of the frozen terrain to avoid contact with any who might somehow find their way into your land. Hence, very few even know of your existence, which has made you something of a myth to the outside world.
You are a tall hairy beast with immense strength and vast knowledge of your native land. While some might confuse you with the Kongor of the Quatrica Islands, you are actually more civilized than those savage beasts. You have heard there are others of your kind in lands like Atlantea and even the swamps of Olympus, though you have never met them and have never had any contact with them. Some might compare you to the monk orders of Olympus, given your unique culture.

Basic Information


Wekan are tall, muscular, hairy beasts. In many ways they might remind one of the Kongor, but they are clearly a very different people. They are much taller, and stand more upright, more like humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wekan reproduce much in the same way as Human and Kongor.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wekan infants actually start out as about the size of a small child, and reach full adulthood at around 25 to 30 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Wekan are found in various different habitats all over the world, such as the frozen reaches of Arctica, the forests or jungles of Olympus or Atlantea. Some are even found in wetlands. They have grown and adapted to all kinds of environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wekan are omnivorces, and will feed on fish, the meat from slain animals, or forage for berries and mushrooms or other wild vegetation or fruits.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Atlantea, Olympus, Arctica

Average Intelligence

Wekan have human-like or above intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wekan are adept at hunting at night, and have keen low-light vision.
HP: 8
SZ: Large
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Con, Wis, Free
Flaws: Cha
Low-light Vision
Languages: Common, Wekani, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if positive).
Traits: Wekan, Humanoid, Rare
Scientific Name
wekanian sapien
100 to 300 years
Average Height
8" to 10"
Average Weight
500 to 1,000 lbs

Articles under Wekan


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