Sera Ariann

Sera Ariann (a.k.a. Longshot)

Sera Ariann is a Gelvaran native of Olympus, living in the Quatrica Islands as a Kunai Ranger. She is very duty bound, and takes her duty given to her being the current leader of the Kunai Rangers, very seriously. She takes much pride in her mission to protect the nature and natural beauty of the Islands. She left her native homeland of Olympus many years ago, after a falling out with her sister, Kaeri. She feels no connection to Olympus anymore as a result, and has tried very hard to forget about it. As a result she has been estranged from her sister for many years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sera Ariann has a slender waist line, is very fit and agile. She is able to move through the woods with great ease and swiftness, and stealth.

Body Features

Sera is Gelvaran, with white skin, and a tan from her years in the tropical climate of the Quatrica Islands. She has deep green eyes and jet black hair. She is shorter than most Gelvaran, at only 1.58m. Most of her kind range from 1.83m to 2.44m.

Facial Features

Sera has soft facial structure.

Physical quirks

Her dutiful nature is presented in how she walks. She has a very straight posture, and bows to all who approach her.

Apparel & Accessories

She typically wears her Kunai Ranger uniform, a green dress with a short skirt with long boots and gloves. She also wears an earring passed down to her by her mother.

Specialized Equipment

Sera carries with her her shortbow.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Sera is and perceives herself as a woman.


Sera is lesbian. She never really knew this about herself and always thought that her outrage at her family's old fashioned traditions was simply that they had arranged a marriage for her she never wanted. Now she knows, that while her parents will most likely not understand, she is lesbian and further loves Fleur Aurora, who she is in a relationship with and looking to marry, with all her heart. And in that she has no shame.


Sera is currently the leader of the Kunai Rangers in the Quatrica Islands, a position she rose to after many years of training. Her skills in ranging and animal taming impresses many in the Islands, as does her passion in protecting the natural beauty of the Islands. Before coming to the Quatrica Islands, she lived in Olympus, where she and her sister, Kaeri, were charged as guardians of the Final Legends, a charge passed down to her and her sister by birthright. But this was never a life she wanted for herself, and her sister's willful attitude and always running off leaving her on guard duty by herself frustrated her. She's always had a deep reverence for nature and her bounties.

Accomplishments & Achievements

By birthright, she is charged as a guardian of the Final Legends. But after a falling out with her sister she left Olympus and came to the Quatrica Islands to find her own path. She soon joined the Kunai Rangers, where she quickly ascended the ranks. She is now the leader of the Kunai Rangers, a position and duty she holds most sacred in her heart.

Mental Trauma

For her deep reverence of the land and nature and her bounties, Sera doesn't care for water. She has never learned to swim, and she is terrified of drowning.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sera is very quite different from her sister, Kaeri. While Kaeri is very willful and doesn't really think through her actions, Sera is logical and calm.

Morality & Philosophy

Sera holds a deep reverence for nature and her bounties. She sees nature as something to be preserved and protected. She is also dutiful, and takes any mission given to her very seriously.


For Sera, it is taboo to harm nature in any way. She will not even hunt for food, and is actually vegetarian.

Personality Characteristics


She feels an innate need and duty to protect nature.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sera is extremely keen with survival skills, but her people skills are lacking, especially with her sister. She doesn't really know how she should speak to Kaeri, and tries to avoid her at all costs, even ever since Kaeri came to the Islands.

Likes & Dislikes

She is vegetarian and hates seeing anyone hunt and kill animals and Mystimon. She has a particular fondness for goza berries.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is patient and dutiful; deep reverence for nature.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is a snark, always sarcastic, especially with her sister.


Sera tends to be a little obsessive compulsive and orderly. Everything must be in a particular spot. She gets angry when something is moved.


Contacts & Relations

At the start of Hordes of the Undead Kings, when Sera first meets Fleur Aurora, she becomes really flustered around her, and she can't really figure out why she feels that way at first. But after Kaeri's death, when Kaeri tells her "be who you are," she starts to think more about it and eventually comes to the realisation that she's attracted to her. By the end, she finally works up the courage to go up to Fleur and just asks her out. By the start of Season 7, as Crystal is establishing the foundation of the Wayfinders Society, Fleur is in the Quatrica Islands and the two are spending a lot of time together. At this time, Sera and Fleur are officially a couple, as Sera has realised when Kaeri meant. She meant for Sera to be who she is, regardless what her family thinks, and she realises in that, that Kaeri had accepted this about her a long time ago. Kaeri somehow knew all along that Sera is gay.

Family Ties

Her only remaining family tie is her sister, Kaeri Ariann, from whom she was estranged before Kaeri died in the Battle of Konaset in 2740.

Religious Views

Sera doesn't really follow any deity, but holds a deep reverence for nature and her bounties. She believes in a great spirit that binds all of nature, be it Mother Gaia or Mother Nature, she doesn't really know. But she believes that it speaks to her. She is also vegetarian. She has an extreme dislike of anyone hunting or killing Nature's creatures, even for food.

Social Aptitude

She is really polite in speaking with people but also a bit of a snark. She doesn't quite know how she should speak to people and tries to avoid contact when she can. She withdraws even more when her sister arrives in town.

Hobbies & Pets

Sera has a Grizzlus that she can summon at her whim. She is also very adept at animal taming.


Fleur Aurora

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Sera Ariann



Sera Ariann

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Fleur Aurora




They fell in love during the Battle of Konaset. Fleur then moved to the Quatrica Islands to be with Sera. They are currently happily living together in Bra'iv, Quatrica Islands.

Relationship Reasoning

They are in love and dating.

Legal Status


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kunai Rangers Lead Ranger
Year of Birth
2494 3A 249 Years old
Ash, Olympus, Olympus
Fleur Aurora (Girlfriend)
Current Residence
Bra'iv, Quatrica Islands
Bright green
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Sera is fluent in Common and Elvan.


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