
King of the Savages

King of the Savages Organta

The primary religion of the island savages, the Kongor, Organta demands blood sacrifice and war. Organta is the King of Savages, and the God of Fire to the Kongor. It is said that Organta demands the blood of the enemies of the Kongor, and if one fails to deliver the blood of their enemies, they must deliver their own blood in payment. If they refuse, Organta will raze their whole community in fire in his great anger. The Kongor must never displease Organta. Once this blood debt is paid, the community shall feast upon the bones.   In the history and lore of the Kongor, it is said that Organta was once a mortal. One night there was a bright flash of light in the sky as a meteor came crashing to the earth. Organta traveled to the crater where this meteor fell and found a huge crystal ablaze in fire. He was mesmerized by the fire and as he approached the shard, he soon found himself in a new realm. He fought through the Trials of the Gods, and stole the fire and brought it back to his tribe. His gift allowed his tribe to finally overthrow their mortal enemies, the cat people. The story of how Organta arose to god-hood is retold in a thousand different ways among the different Kongor tribes, but one thing is for certain: they all revere Organta.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A monkey's skull
Edicts Commit acts of brutal violence, establish dominance, slay Sabertooth, eat the flesh of Organta's enemies.
Anathema Lose or cower from fights, allow yourself to be resurrected instead of reincarnated, consort or trade with non-Kongor people
Areas of Concern Apes, jungle, sacrifice, pride
Follower Alignments Element, Darkness, Earth   Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Font Harm
Divine Skill Athletics
Favoured Weapon Fist or Spear
DomainsĀ Tyranny, Destruction, Might, Fire
Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands, 3rd: mad monkeys, 5th: blood feast
He, him
Red eyes
Raven black with silver stripes


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