Fey Heritages

Frostelvan You dwell in the frozen tundras of Arctica and Arcticus, the polar lands to the North and South, and have a light blue tinge to your skin. You have incredible resilience against cold environments, granting you cold resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1). You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).   Wild Gelvaran You're adapted to life in the forest or deep jungles of your homeland, Olympus, and you know how to climb trees and use foliage to your advantage. When Climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, you move at half your Speed on a success and at full Speed on a critical success (and you move at full Speed on a success if you have Quick Climb). This doesn't affect you if you're using a climb speed.
You can always use the Take Cover action when you are within forest terrain to gain cover, even if you're not next to an obstacle you can Take Cover behind.   Dusgelvan You hail from the dark and shadowy region in the southern end of Olympus known as the Shadow Wood, as well as the vast cavern system known as the Deep, and have a dark grey tinge to your skin. You know the ins and the outs of the Deep, far better than anyone else. You are trained in the Deep Lore skill, and gain Darkvision.   Sage Gelvaran You are a scholar of the Everglade Mystia College, and have an inborn ability to detect and understand Mystia. You can cast the Detect Magic cantrip as an innate spell at will. A Cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. In addition you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature. These skill actions typically use the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill.   High Gelvaran You have lived your life as a noble in the capital city of Olympus, Evergreen City. You and politics share a courtly bond. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus when making Diplomacy checks to Make an Impression, and when you gain the Group Coercion or Group Impression, the number of targets you can coerce or impress increases by 1. You are also Trained in the Evergreen City Lore skill.   Suunelvan Your kind were once a proud race, having lived in the Shadow Wood region in peace for many ages. But then you were attacked by those you once thought your allies, the Dusgelvan. You have a tan to your white skin, and much gentler features than that of Gelvaran, as well as longer limbs. You are also taller than most other Fey. Your cities were once vast and gorgeous, until the Fall of Dawn, when the Dusgelvan Empire attacked and wiped out most of your civilization. Now you have either fled to other parts of the world, keeping your heritage a secret, or gone underground with other Shadow Wood Fey, such as the Welkelvan and Nyyselvan. As a Suunelvan, you are quite adept with medicine and healing. You gain a +2
Circumstance Bonus to Medicine Checks to Treat Wounds, gain Battle Medicine as a bonus feat, and when you Treat Wounds using Battle Medicine, you can use this ability on the target an additional time before they become immune.   Nyyselvan Also called Lotus Elves, for your native home in the Lotus Islands off Southern Coast of Olympus, you possess a unique serenity that comes from knowing you can quash your foes at any given moment. Your kind have a unique culture amongst the Fey, and in fact the Monk Orders of Olympus actually originated from Nyyselvan pilgrims who traveled all around Olympus, spreading your religion and beliefs. But today, after the Fall of Dawn, you know better than to trust outsiders. You possess a pinkish tinge to your skin, as well as magical tattoos which you are given at a young age, said to focus your ki and Mystia into an unusual force.
You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to damage you inflict with Unarmed attacks, you gain Quick Jump as a bonus feat, and when you make an Athletics check to High Jump, you jump an additional 5 feet.   Welkelvan You have also been known as the Swan Elves or Winged Elves, for the wings that your kind have on your arms and hollow bones. It is said the Welkelvan were blessed by the moons ages ago. But then you were cursed by the Dusk upon the Fall of Dawn, an event which changed life in and around the Shadow Wood region forever. It has always been dangerous living in this haunted region. But now with the Dusgelvan Empire spreading like a plague, it is even more so.
You take not damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall. But you also get a Weakness to Bludgeoning equal to half your level rounded up.


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