
Fey Heritages | Fey Ancestry Feats | Additional Fey Ancestry Feats

The Fey are a mysterious race, originating from the continent of Olympus, as far as anyone knows. While similar in appearance to humans, their bodies are slim and graceful with fine features and pointed ears. They're known to have an exceptionally long lifespan, though not nearly as long as that of Dragla. They're deeply attuned to nature, and by extension, Mystia. While the Gelvaran are the only Fey with whom humans and other races have really met and communicated with, we now know there are other Fey races, cousins of the Gelvaran. Perhaps the most mysterious and elusive of them all are the Dusgelvan, dark fey who evolved from a sect of Fey which broke off and went their separate way centuries ago, going to live in the dark woods of Southern Olympus, where Gelvaran dare not venture. From what Gelvaran scouts have been able to ascertain, the Dusgelvan have amassed a vast empire throughout those dark woods. Though they haven't made any moves toward war yet, there are some in the Olympusian government who believe war with the Dusgelvan is not far off.   Recently, another Fey sub-species has been found living up in the frozen wasteland of Arctica, the Frostelvan, snow fey who have adapted to living in extreme cold climates. The Frostelvan are a nomadic people, migrating across the snowy and frozen lands of Arctica, following the migrating herds of various large Mystimon, such as Mammothraw.   There are legends, though, of another race of Fey which preceded all current Fey subspecies, called the Altaran. According to legends, they were much more alien in their appearance, being slightly taller than current Fey, and having strange elongated heads, as well as long arms and fingers. However, no evidence of such beings has ever been found.   As far as appearance, Dusgelvan, at least from what reports exist as they are very secluded, seem similar to Gelvaran in stature, but have a greyish tint in their skin colour, and dark/black eyes. Frostelvan also are similar in stature to Gelvaran though have a bit more muscle, as well as a bluish skin colour and blue-green or turquoise eyes.

Basic Information


Fey are tall and slender for the most part, with pointy ears and big eyes. Their skin colour and other parts vary between the many different ethnicities or heritages.

Growth Rate & Stages

Most Fey typically reach adulthood around 120 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Fey have adapted to living in multiple different environments all over the world. From the forest/jungle homeland of the Gelvaran, to the swamps of the Shadow Wood and the depths of the Deep for the Dusgelvan, even the barren cold freezing environment of Arctica for the Frostelvan.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gelvaran for the most part live in the forest/jungle nation of Olympus, while Dusgelvan mostly live in the swamps of the Shadow Wood and even have traversed downward into the depths of the Deep. Frostelvan mostly live as nomad societies in the frozen cold reaches of Arctica. The Suunelvan also once lived in the Shadow Wood region of Olympus, before being forced out by the Dusgelvan, while the Nyyselvan and Welkelvan live in small, close knit societies in the Lotus Islands, along the southern coast of Olympus.

Average Intelligence

Fey are by average highly intelligent, and highly wise. They have lived far longer than any other race, second only to the Dragla. They are also highly adept with magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fey have exceptional low-light vision. Some even have exceptional hearing.
Also Known As Elf
HP: 6
SZ: Med
Spd: 30ft
Boosts: Dex, Int, Free OR Two Free Boosts
Flaws: Con
Languages: Common, Elvan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Low-light Vision
Traits: Elf, Humanoid, Common
Scientific Name
Altaranian sapian
500 to 700 years
Average Height
6" to 8"
Average Weight
100 to 200 lbs
Average Physique
Fey are on average tall and slender beings.

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