
Dragla Origin | Dragla Heritages | Dragla Ancestry Feats

The Dragla are a large, hulking race which today lives primarily in Almahna alongside the humans, but has also moved out and populated other areas of the world. They are refugees of their true home, Celesteon, the City of the Sky, an island which floats along Terr'ahna's air currents in the upper atmosphere. Long ago they were besieged and chased from their home by a beastmen race called the Yaglaw. They have tried time and again to take Celesteon back from the bird men, but time and again they would fail, and lose more and more of their dying race. Dragla are large draconic humanoid creatures with large narrow jaws, deep-set eyes, and scaly skin akin to that of dragon Mystimon such as Megazard. They have large wings, able to glide for small distances under the gravity of the surface world, though over the past generations, their wings have gotten smaller. They are much more adapted to life up in the sky in Celesteon, where the air currents allowed them to fly for much larger distances than they ever could on the surface. Skin colours can vary drastically from Draglan to Draglan, and each have breath weapon attacks correspondent to their skin colour; and they have powerful claws. Though despite having these various natural weapons at their disposal, they can use hand-made tools and weapons with as much precision as other species.

Basic Information


Dragla are large, bulky, with big broad shoulders, and large wings on their back. They look very much like a cross between a human and a dragon. They stand up-right on two legs, are able to glide long distances, and have big muscular arms.

Biological Traits

Dragla have large wings on their back, and also typically have a breath weapon of some type.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragla are carnivorous, but can also subsist on berries and vegetables and other fruits.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They typically have long snouts, much like Saurus, though more akin to a dragon than a lizard.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragla typically live mainly in Almahna, but they are found all over the world.

Average Intelligence

Dragla have a greater intellect than that of humans, having lived far longer.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragla have dark vision.

Civilization and Culture


Dragla once, millions of years ago, lived high up in the skies on the floating island of Celesteon, peacefully alongside their kin, the Yeglaw. However, after some sort of fight with the Yeglaw, the particulars of which are lost to the ages, they were cast out and forced down to the surface world, where they live along side other people of the surface world today. Through out the ages, there have been all kinds of stories created as to what led to the expulsion, but no one truly knows for sure. Not even the Yeglaw, who insist it was the Dragla's fault.
HP: 8
SZ: Med
Spd: 20ft
Boosts: Str, Wis, Free
Flaws: Dex
Languages: Common, Draglan, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Traits: Dragla, Humanoid, Common
Glided Flight: Dragla's wings have diminished over the many centuries since they have arrived on the surface, exiled from Celesteon. As a result, they are not able to fly as they once were able to, however they can glide up to 20 feet. You can not rise more than 5 feet off of the ground, or if you leap from a high point and glide, your elevation falls by 5 feet every 5 feet traveled. Also, fall damage you suffer reduces by half your level rounded up, minimum 1.
Scientific Name
draglan sapian
600 to 900 years
Conservation Status
Dragla are a dying race, having been cast out from their native homeland of Celesteon ages ago. Today they manage to survive alongside other people of the world on the surface, but there aren't as many of their kind left as there once was.
Average Height
6" to 7"4
Average Weight
400 to 500 lbs
Average Physique
Dragla are typically big and bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragla come in various skin colours, and their skin colour typically denotes their breath weapon type. Dark blue Dragla have a lightning breath for instance.

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